众所周知,AP Lang和AP Lit绝对是硬核英语能力的体现,想拿到5分确实不易。根据我的经验,拿下她俩,你需要首先认清她们高冷外表背后的基本逻辑。 Lang主要考察你的批判性思维,以及议论文的阅读写作能力。而这两组技能在生活中尊嘟很有用! 先说批判性思维,它听起来很抽象,这几年甚至有点烂大街,但那些修辞分析何尝...
下课后,我在便条贴写下 stay open to complexity, 贴到写字桌的墙上,从此跟 complexity 一词结缘。 几年后,开始教AP lang和 AP lit,读考纲和作文评分标准,重遇 complexity 这位老朋友。 会用的话,reduce 这个单词很能展现批判性思维 — 也就是AP语言、AP文学作文评分标准所说的 complexity. 释义一 (reduce s...
至于AP文科的话,只能说,小心 AP Lang。我只有3分,能换学分,但只有4-5分才能换课。虽然说麦迪逊接受3分,但基本上考3分只能换一些学分,4分不一定,5分才可以换课。 当然,在麦迪逊也有考了比较亏的AP课。比如AP Lit,它能换的lang都能换,而且...
Hi. I'm currently a sophomore choosing between taking AP Lang, LA III Honors, or AP Lit for next year. I already have 3 AP classes that I am taking outside of this class (AP Calc BC, AP Bio, and APUSH) as well as two other honors classes. I wanted to know what the workload ...
High school poet Zuyi Zhao has already taken both AP English courses. She’s prepared in the past for her exams by bothreading and writing in quantity—a practice that has paid off in her eyes. "Analysis comes a lot more easily if you have experience...
APEnglish lang:5 APEnglish lit:5 APStats:5 APus history:5 SAT2: Math level 2800 physics800 Us history750 在读美高时平均成绩:4.32/4.00 录取的大学以及现在的专业 MIT electrical engineering and computer science 有才有貌的学姐本人 下面...
AP Lang -- FRQ #2 Rhetorical Analysis AP Lit -- FRQ #2 Prose Fiction AP History -- DBQ with 5 documents (instead of 7) AP英语只考修辞分析题;文学类考的是小说题;历史类考的是DBQ也就是文献题。 除此之外所有的科目考两题,时间安排为: ...
2017 AP Lang/Lit Midterm If you make it out alive, give me a call, and I'll tell you how to get the boots back to me. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 29 建立者 lupita879 教科書解答 學生們也學習了 學習指南 The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric...
2016-2019 AP Lit 常考书目 在上述30本书单之中,又有11本文学作品在2016-2019年间被提及次数超过2次。分别是: 书名:《远大前程》 作者:狄更斯 推荐理由: 《远大前程》是狄更斯晚年作品,也是他思想上最为成熟的作品之一。小说贯彻了狄更斯文以载道的风格,透过剧中孤儿的跌宕起落,表达他对生命和人性的看法。与...
hóng xìng chū qiáng lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall a wife having an illicit lover (idiom) Example UsageShowStrokes 红杏出墙Trad.紅杏出牆 hóng xìng chū qiáng lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom) fig. a wife having an illicit lover ...