AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION – GRADING RUBRIC – SYNTHESIS ESSAYEssays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of 4 but demonstrate less understanding of the cited sources, less success in developing their own position, or less control of writing....
之前笔者是奔着四分去的 因为我的美高之前七八届考生里面只有一位同学拿了language的满分 据说还是一名对文学研究颇深的学生 我并没有对lang进行过有针对性的备考 学校里上的prep class 个人认为对于ap考试起到的作用也不大 但是可以提供几个思路和心得吧 lang由两个section组成:multiple choice和essay 以下是正道,...
If you're planning to take theAP Language (or AP Lang) exam, you might already know that 55% of your overall exam score will be based on three essays. The first of the three essays you'll have to write on the AP Language exam is called the "synthesis essay." If you want to earn...
比如Document based question (DBQ) 总分7分,对应了7项任务;Long Essay question (LEQ) 总分6分,对...
我们会要求学生不要关注考试的具体内容细节,而是要求学生了解考试的形式,比如选择题是什么样的,简答题是写Essay还是简单的定义加案例分析就可以了。 许多学生在看完辅导书和样题真题后,都反馈说比原来不知道要怎么备考时放心很多。 这里我需要很郑重地提醒同学们,每个学生的学习方法和能力不一样,感兴趣的科目也不同...
The AP Language and Composition exam has two sections: a multiple-choice section with 45 questions, and a free-response section with three essay questions—one synthesis prompt, one analysis prompt, and one argument prompt. But not all AP Lang practice tests are like the real exam, and they...
Essay Summary 1. AP Lit: A White Heron (not graded) 2. Lit/Setting: Canterbury Tales 3. Lit/Tone: The Inferno 4. Lit/Character: A Doll's House 5. Lit/Compare & Contrast (three options from short fiction) 6. AP Lang: Coca Cola letters 7. Lang/Satire: Twain's Advice to Youth 8...
lang由两个section组成:multiple choice和essay 以下是正道,我管它叫“稳定上分法”:好好背单词:...