AP Lang的rubric, 滑动上下查看(来源:Collegeboard) 1.把thesis写清楚,可以用XXX, however, XXX或者under XXX(conditions),XXX的模板,既要避免绝对,也要明白地显示出自己的立场。 2.论据和论证要充分到位。用证据的话一个自然段基本2-3个左右,每个证据...
最后一点,备考AP Lang一定要注意时间的把控,多做计时练习。有一个小技巧是可以不按顺序做题目,简单的先做,难的后做。这样来看的话,选择题先做考写作技能的题,然后考阅读技能的题里挑简单的文章先做;essay的话个人认为难度argument。 以上是AP Lang的备考建议的相关内容,供同学们和家长参考。出国留学首先要过语言...
首先要知道,2017年开始,AP美国史、欧洲史、世界史都revised啦,比如document based question提供的文件从8个减到7个了,另外三门课的DBQ, LEQ的评改标准都用同一份official grading rubric了。 你问的问题太大,可以从太多角度来回答了,全都说了又说不够深,我就说一个最基本的吧。针对DBQ和LEQ的official grading ...
就是一般英语老师课上会讲到的argument essay,先thesis statement,再分body paragraph,最后conclusion。
A6essayadequatelyaddressestheprompt.Theanalysisand/orargumentisontarget andmakesuseofappropriatespecificsfromthetext.However,theseelementsarelessfully developedthanscoresinthe7,8,9range.Thewriter’sideasareexpressedwithclarity,but thewritingmayhaveafewerrorsinsyntaxand/ordiction. A5essaydemonstratesthatthewrite...
this example thesis statement states a defensible position and establishes a line of reasoning, it can be elaborated upon in the body of the essay through sub-claims, supporting evidence, and commentary. And a solid argument is key to getting a six on your synthesis essay for AP Lang!
The AP Language and Composition exam has two sections: a multiple-choice section with 45 questions, and a free-response section with three essay questions—one synthesis prompt, one analysis prompt, and one argument prompt. But not all AP Lang practice tests are like the real exam, and they...
Rubric - 15Absolutes and Participial Phrases - Irwin Shaw - 16Analogies - David Simon - 17Anaphora - Bill Bryson - 18Appositive and Absolute Phrases - Frank Conroy - 19Appositives - Alexander Theroux - 20Argument - Stephen Fry - 21Artful Playfulness - Ian Frazier - 22Attention to Detail -...
7 "Language & Thought," Rottenberg • Argument/Rhetoric terms test • Lang/AP essay (6): Coca Cola letters SATIRE UNIT (2 weeks) • A Modest Proposal, Swift (annotate text) • Supplemental texts • Various practice test selections • Lang/Essay (7): Advice to Youth REVIEWING ...
AP,即 Advanced Placement,在美国大学的申请中一般作为非必需的考试材料提交。 在我个人看来,AP 是一种很好的提前接触更多知识的学…显示全部 关注者77 被浏览24,780 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 37 个回答 默认排序...