Half the battle in reviewing for AP tests is knowing where to begin and how to structure your time. When it comes to the Human Geography class,how do you successfully switch from preparing for in-class tests to gearing up for the infamously difficult AP Human Geography exam? In this complet...
#3: Pay Attention to Important Models and Theories Human Geography is mostly considered a humanities subject, but there are some scientific elements to it. These show up in the form of demographic models that are introduced throughout the course. It's important toknow how to read models and ...
You may be a born economist. Macroeconomics is the part of economics that studies government actions and looks mostly at problems of the economy as a whole such as inflation, unemployment, recession, international trade, and long-term growth. We will specifically learn about economics theories of...
1. Theories of International Relations 2. Global Conflict and Cooperation: Wars, Diplomacy, and Treaties 3. Global Issues: Human Rights, Environment, and Terrorism VIII. The Media and Politics 1. The Role and Influence of Mass Media 2. Media Bias, Regulation, and the Digital Age ...