Statistics: 4.8 – Quite Easy Seminar: 5.0 – Moderate Difficulty with the highest pass-rate, but hard to self-study English Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty, but unusual to score a 5 Spanish Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty ...
10-12年级的学生均可以学习这门课。 Human Geography(人文地理) 难度指数:★★★☆☆ 推荐指数:★★☆☆☆ 选择AP人文地理的,一般都是出于兴趣,也有少数投机的:听说挺简单,拿个满分来也。其实,这门课挺有意思的,和高中地理的人文部分性质类似,也是文化的地域性,或者说地理的文化特征。当然还是有地理知识在其中...
Seminar: 5.0 – Moderate Difficulty with the highest pass-rate, but hard to self-study English Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty, but unusual to score a 5 Spanish Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty with high pass rate Art Hi...
Seminar: 5.0 – Moderate Difficulty with the highest pass-rate, but hard to self-study English Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty, but unusual to score a 5 Spanish Language: 5.2 – Moderate Difficulty with high pass rate Art History: 5.3 – Moderate Difficulty and time-intensive 下滑查看更多...
They are designed to encompass different levels of difficulty, ranging from straightforward to challenging. Tip 3: Multiple-Choice Practice Makes Perfect Practicing with multiple-choice questions is a vital part of getting ready for the AP Human Geography exam. As teachers review the material, it...
AP Human Geography from the Florida Virtual School— Students like this class for teacher accessibility and an appropriate difficulty level. It's interesting but not frustrating. AP Art History from the Florida Virtual School— Students enjoy the interactive gallery format and find that they retain ...
500 AP Human Geography Questions to Know st Day 5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics Questions to Know st Day 5 Steps to a 5: 500 hysics Questions to Know st Day 5 Steps to a 5: 500 sychology Questions to Know st Day 5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP U.S. ernment Pol...
■ AP 人文地理学Human Geography (难度:★★) AP人文地理学的学习内容包括:经济发展和文化变化的问题、人口增长和移民的后果、交通和通讯科技发展以及工业化的影响、领土的争夺、少数族裔与女性议题、发达国家和发展中国家之间的不平衡、城市和农村议题、气候变化和环境保护。 学完这门课,毋庸置疑你将对各种地理概...
There are variations in difficulty between form codes year over year. The relative rise or fall in popularity of an AP class and exam amongst students can drive high-achievers to self-select into (or out of) a certain course. Better study resources, such as the release of the previous exam...
There are 38 different tests for Advanced Placements, all of which are different. However, most AP exams offer a combination of multiple-choice, short, and long questions, and every test has a different difficulty level. Here are a few tests that are considered easy- ...