Freeman-Pediais a great place to practice DBQs for the AP World History test because it has a large number of document-based questions, scoring rubrics, examples of good essays, and tips and strategies to help students get better at analyzing primary and secondary sources. Why We Chose It:...
考前一定要在官网下载最新的Scoring Rubrics和考场例文,认真研读——最好能背下来评分标准,明确写什么能得几分,考试的时候尽量往上面靠(Thesis得一分,那就把Thesis放在醒目的地方,等等);此外,还要认真分析考场例文,看看什么样的Thesis是有...
Scoring for multiple choice is pretty straightforward; however, essay scoring is a little more complicated. Each of your essays will receive a score from 0 to 6 based on theCollege Board rubric, which also includes question-specific rubrics. All the rubrics are very similar, with only minor di...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) AP美国历史 2019年真题 附答案和评分标准 AP American History 2019 Real Exam with Answers and Scoring Guidelines.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 AP美国历史 2019年真题 附答案和评分标准 AP American History 2019 Real Exam with...
你应该上CB的官网,把你要考的哪一科的所有网址资料都好好浏览一遍,尤其是past exams, grading rubrics, scoring guides等。这些可以说是最珍贵的资料了,你可以看到阅卷老师是按照什么标准判分的、对于回答某种题型有什么建议、有什么常见错误等等。而且这些还都是免费的! 我再针对题主要考的AP U.S. History来...
HistoryTeacher.netis a great choice for DBQ practice for the AP U.S. History test because it provides a vast selection of document-based questions, scoring rubrics, and examples of successful essays, as well as tips and strategies to help students improve their skills in analyzing primary ...
Last Updated:April 7, 2023 Prepare your students for test day by making every review session count! Plan a rigorous AP English Language review using our 5 last-minute test prep ideas. AP Exam,AP Instruction When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed history with his recitation of the “I Ha...
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