5. Chemistry: The AP Chemistry course requires students to study the chemistry course of the first year of university on the basis of learning basic knowledge of chemistry, chemical principles and experimental operations (ordinary high school chemis...
这些课程是美国大学理事会为有志于美国大学本科教育的中国国内高中生而特别设置的。Taking advanced placement courses in high school can help prepare students for the rigors of college academics. 高中阶段的大学预修课程,可以帮助学生适应大学的学术要求。课程内容和难度都设计为与美国大学初年级课程接轨,作为高中...
CRS # 422003 431003 431103 431203 441003 441103 441203 491203 491300 491303 613103 613203 615103 615203 616903 647603 791130 791140 791150 791160 791393 791493 792150 792160 792250 792310 792410 792510 793150 793160 793170Old Weighted Scale A =New Weighted Scale A =...
Completing AP classes and passing the exam helps high school seniors stand out on their university applications and at TAISM, your child can choose from a variety of courses depending on their interests and goals. What is AP?Earn College Credit In AP courses, students are exposed to a ...
Core Courses of International High School 开设大学先修课程(Advanced Placement)以及融合课程,双轨道同步进修,外籍教师和海归双语教师双重保障,因材施教、因地制宜,满足不同学子的学习诉求和发展规划。 石室北湖AP目前开设的AP课程有:AP微积分、AP统计学、 AP微观经济学、AP宏观经济学、 AP计算机科学 、AP物理1&...
我们整理了美国前50寄宿学校的AP课程,诸如Phillips Exeter Academy、Choate Rosemary Hall、The Lawrenceville School等顶级寄宿学校已经取消了AP课程,下面我们一起来看下不同学校的AP课程安排,及时了解美高课程变化。 #1 MA-Phillips Academy 12门AP课程 开设课程:AP...
网址:http://ocw.mit.edu/high-school/ 网站如其名,就是MIT教授的课程!其中不仅提供包括生物学、化学、人文社科、物理、数学等科目的课程,还有备考的栏目,对AP课程的学习很有帮助。 4. IXL 网址:https://www.ixl.com/ IXL是美国一家覆盖K-12年龄段的网络数学、语言艺术(科学以及社会研究为低年级学生提供)的...
1、Be challenged.Advanced Placement classes are rigorous and demanding, offering an intellectual stimulation that students won't get in regular high school courses. 挑战自我。AP课程要求十分严格,给予学生难于高中课程的智力挑战。 2、Improve college admissions chances.AP classes will raise the "wow" fact...
AP 课程与大学相关专业的联系很紧密,AP 考试成绩也能体现出学生所具有的学习能力、自我认知能力以及未来规划,而从性质上来说,AP 确实是大学课程,难度都会比高中课程大,所以选修 AP 也是对学生学习能力的证明(AP is indeed a college course, which will be more difficult than high school courses, so taking AP...
4.Quora How Many AP Courses Did You Take in High School,How Did You do in Them and What College Did You Get Into? https://www.quora.com/How-many-AP-courses-did-you-take-in-high-school-How-did-you-do-in-them-What-college-did-you-get-into ...