College Board has an AP US History page with an official practice test which can help you get comfortable writing both the LEQ and the DBQ within the time constraints. Other resources include the Packet of Doom (it’s less scary than it sounds!), which is a good summary of the APUSH ...
此外,考生还可以使用AP Daily:Practice Sessions来做练习,题库中包含了FRQs(自由回答题)和MCQs(多项选择题)。所有练习视频都会发布在YouTube和AP Classroom上,同学们可以随时观看。观看网址: 考试前 考试前一天,我们需要与学校或老师确认所...
此外,考生还可以使用AP Daily:Practice Sessions来做练习,题库中包含了FRQs(自由回答题)和MCQs(多项选择题)。所有练习视频都会发布在YouTube和AP Classroom上,同学们可以随时观看。 观看网址:
刷历年的真题以及各大辅导书里的模拟题是最有效果的,如Princeton和 Kaplan的Practice Exam是辅导书里的常用的习题。 我们已经为考生和家长们准备好了这份【AP刷题大礼包】 ️🔥,内含: 25门+超全科目 100页+独家5分教研 300套+历年AP真题pdf 名师笔记 | 最全真题 | 科普手册 推荐教材 | 考试日历 |...
此外,考生还可以使用AP Daily:Practice Sessions来做练习,题库中包含了FRQs(自由回答题)和MCQs(多项选择题)。所有练习视频都会发布在YouTube和AP Classroom上,同学们可以随时观看。 观看网址: ...
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:the College Board has the best AP practice tests.This is because they make the test! So their practice materials are going to be the most like the real test. You can evenget old AP tests on the College Board websitebecause they release ...
Comprehensive test prep and practice exams for AP, CLEP, teacher certification, PRAXIS 2, college admissions and other exams
✅教辅推荐:Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests,7 Edition. 巴朗的教材内容全面,内容上更新比较及时,内容更贴合考纲,包含图像说明,强调考试所用的公式,知识点概念讲解详细,有许多的练习题目,比较适合初学者学习,也很适合综合复习,。 ✅教辅推荐:5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics, McGraw-Hill Educat...
AP U.S. Government and Politics students are allowed to work in small groups for their student-led research project. More than 326,000 students took the Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics exam in 2020. The class involves two forms of...
对于刷什么样的题目,切勿随便选择。刷历年的真题以及各大辅导书里的模拟题是最有效果的。Princeton和 Kaplan的Practice Exam是辅导书里的常用的习题。 在刷题的过程中可能会遇到错误率高的情况,但不要退缩,重要的是对错误过程的总结,避免之后重复不断的犯同...