AP Practice Exams is a free online directory of practice tests, notes, study guides, videos, and multiple choice questions. A long list of resources for each AP test. Start your test prep and review right here.
Dive into our study guides and try our Check-for-Understanding questions to see how much you’ve learned! Practice Level up fast with real test-style questions. Sharpen your skills, track your progress, and walk into your exams with confidence. What...
✅The Gilder Lehrman Study Guide:有视频、时间表和主要资源,是非常好的资源,可以帮助你温习美国历史知识。 ✅AP® Practice Exams:收集了一些课堂笔记和学习资料,包括老师在考试前给学生做的报告。 👉书籍推荐 《The American Pageant》 本书以丰富多彩的历史轶事、第一人称引语和栩栩如生的描述著称,是美国...
✅The Gilder Lehrman Study Guide:有视频、时间表和主要资源,是非常好的资源,可以帮助你温习美国历史知识。 ✅AP® Practice Exams:收集了一些课堂笔记和学习资料,包括老师在考试前给学生做的报告。 👉书籍推荐 《The American Pageant》 本书以丰富多彩的历史轶事、第一人称引语和栩栩如生的描述著称,是美国...
See why millions of students worldwide trust UWorld to help them do their best on high-stakes exams. Realistic Test Simulation Practice with focused questions at or above the real test’s difficulty with an in-app experience that’s true to the test, so you’re ready when it counts. ...
Several huge sets of AP US Government flashcards. This is the fastest and easiest ways to learn the most important AP Gov vocabulary terms.
另外,考生也可以下载往年的AP考试题目,来熟悉考试中常见的问题类型。在AP备考阶段,练习往年的真题,参考标准答案和评分标准是非常有效的学习方法,在网页的“Exam Preparation”部分便可以查询到这些信息:https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/ap-exams-overview/practice-for-exams 制定科学有效的学习计划 在了解了AP...
https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/ap-exams-overview/practice-for-exams 制定科学有效的学习计划 在了解了AP考试的结构和形式之后,同学们需要制定一个科学有效学习计划。每天留出一定的时间进行AP学习,也可以和小伙伴们一起交流讨论学习心得...
Create a winning game plan for test day! Practice, Practice, Practice Access full-length practice tests to test your knowledge of all sections of the AP exam. Interactive Lessons Master each section of the AP exam with exclusively written lessons!
https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/ap-exams-overview/practice-for-exams 制定科学有效的学习计划 在了解了AP考试的结构和形式之后,同学们需要制定一个科学有效学习计划。每天留出一定的时间进行AP学习,也可以和小伙伴们一起交流讨论学习心得,为AP考试做好充足的准备。