1. Actually read the textbook Most courses use a textbook, and some are based entirely on reading—we've all been ina reading-heavy English class. Reading 50 pages on the French Revolution isn’t the ideal way to spend your night (if it is, then good for you!), but it can be the...
Learning Objective Students will analyze the social/cultural and economic responses of the British, French, and Spanish to the Indians of North America prior to 1750, in order to evaluate the impact on Indian life and culture. Materials Textbook. • Bibliography of primary sources relating to ...
Tags Ap Ap calculus Ap physics Calculus Physics Textbook Textbooks Replies: 8 Forum: Science and Math Textbooks K Problem with Vibration and Waves AP French? Hi All, Kindly see the attached Pictures. I think COB is not 90 - δ/2 But COB is 90-δ Can someone confirm. Thanks. Karim ...
那如果你自学欧洲史不仅仅是为了考试,而是真的喜欢,那你就可以参照我的自学方式,多多阅读,还可以去看各种纪录片(强推BBC的French Revolution,讲解的教授很喜欢~~~),你会觉得真的很有意思。 如果有需要或者感兴趣的话,可以关注我的公众号:AP历史频道。刚开始做没多久,主要推送欧洲史讲解视频,比较短,大概一个视频...
AP Language Exams: Modified Rubrics for 2020 for Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish The 2020 Language Exams have omitted all written components, and are now exclusively speaking exams. The speaking component is divided between “Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation” and “Presentation...
这本书常居CB官网美国历史的“Example Textbook”名录(详见链接apcentral.collegeboard.org),作者是美国历史学界两位重量级的专家,在学术界是美国历史研究的必读书目。 缺点:阅读量大,难度高,适合AP备考时间1年以上、对美国历史有浓厚兴趣或大学准备学习人文学科的学生。 3.Direct Hits- U.S. History in a Flash...
store. (CR9, CR4a)Students are alsoresponsible for memorizing target vocabulary for thebiweekly theme.Cultural video units:During second semester we watch the French in Actionseries in class as well as the AllezViens textbook ...
.American Indian empires in America 早期美洲印第安文明B.Spain/French/England's empire in North America 西班牙、法国、英国在北美的殖民地C.The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening 启蒙思想及大觉醒运动 . The American Revolutionary Era 独立战争时期(1754-1789) . The French and Indian War 法印战争...
印象最深的是,princeton里对于法国大革命,french revolution,这个知识点讲的实在太乱了。基本上一大段...