04 批准使用的计算器列表 批准使用的计算器 *带有AP微积分功能的图形计算器用星号表示。考生可以携带名单上的任何计算器参加考试。只有列表中认可的图形计算器才允许用...
Get details on what types and brands of calculators you can and can’t bring, which AP Exams you can use calculators on, and important tips. 04 批准使用的计算器列表 批准使用的计算器 *带有AP微积分功能的图形计算器用星号表示。考生可以携带名单上的任何计算器参加考试。只有列表中认可的图形计算器才允许用于AP微积分考试。PS:在考试前务必再次检查列表,以确保最新的信息。
Calculators are not necessary. Can you confirm that there will be no calculations on this year's AP Environmental Science Exam? WIll there be math calculations on the APES exam? There will not be any "calculation" questions on the 2020 APES exam. Are students going to be required to create...
AP考试正在如火如荼的进行,但是,各位AP同学你们确定准备好了么,你的计算器真的可以带进考场么?虽说考试之前,你已经非常熟悉计算器,并能熟练使用,但千万不要马虎带错计算器,来看一下CB官方允许使用计算器的科目及型号吧。 AP考试计算器带入规定: 1、只允许可以使用计算器的考试科目带入计算器(具体科目见下表)...
Scratch paper is not allowed, but you may use the margins or any blank space in the exam booklet for scratch work. Section I is divided into two parts. Each part is timed separately, and you may work on each part only during the time allotted for it. Calculators are not allowed in ...
Scratch paper is not allowed, but you may use the margins or any blank space in the exam booklet for scratch work. Section I is divided into two parts. Each part is timed separately, and you may work on each part only during the time allotted for it. Calculators are not allowed in ...
内容简介: The AP Computer Science A exam is a three-hour written exam. No books, calculators, orcomputers are allowed! The exam consists of two parts that have equal weight: SectiOH 1: 40 multiple-choice questions in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Section 11: 4 free-response questions in 1...