满分6分的Long Essay Question则最少要拿4.5分(2016年平均分仅为2.41)满分12分的Short Answer Qu...
也是很自然的,dbq这种上来直接丢给大家十个document然后让大家在50分钟内总结分析,写出一篇流畅的文章,还能每段都扣上essay的topic和rubric上的给分点的,确实会给没联系过ap文科系写作的同志们带来很大的困难。 在经历了二刷已经帮助历史基础一般的同志复习并也刷出5分之后, 认为这4个part的难度实际上是这样的...
Apart from complete practice tests,practice questions serve as great prep for individual parts of the AP test. Because the College Board has released so many free-response questions, you can practice those over and over again. You don't necessarily have to do a complete, timed essay every tim...