欧洲史、世界史都revised啦,比如document based question提供的文件从8个减到7个了,另外三门课的DBQ,...
最后还是想强调,ap历史考的是historical thinking skills,不单单是死记硬背的能力。我欧洲史的DBQ和LE...
Here's a sample study plan a student might make for the few months leading up to her AP Euro exam: See, this business suit lady gets the importance of making a study plan. Step 3: Find Content Review Resources A high-quality review book is your best friend in AP prep. We currently ...
最后还是想强调,ap历史考的是historical thinking skills,不单单是死记硬背的能力。我欧洲史的DBQ和LE...
说到底 都是自学。本人就读美国一个普通的私立高中吧 文学系历史系的师资力量不算强 ap euro上课的氛围...
2、上YouTube搜索AP Euro His 找一个你看着比较顺眼的网课,哪里不懂看哪里,最好不要全看,因为比较...
2014 AP Euro 5分。不过Euro在15-16学年要改提纲,以下仅做参考。去买Lynn Hunt,The Making of the...
2019 ap欧史5分 jackson j spielvogel写的western civilization写的还挺好玩的,适合细节的理解以及整体...