The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science 网址: ANNENBERG LEARNER不仅提供线上教科书,还包括阅读、实验以及模拟练习的功能,以此来帮助学生理解一系列的主题。 12 Virtual Biology Lab 网址:h...
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science NCCSTS虽是为教师提供在线资源,但是站内提供涵盖各种环境主题的案例研究。并且这些案例都可以免费下载,不过需要注册一个账号来获取教学笔记和答案。 11 The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science ANNENBERG LEARNER不仅提供线上教科书,还包括...
Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources地球系统与资源 You’ll study the natural components that make up the environment, from geologic features to the atmosphere and climate. 你将学习构成环境的自然组成部分,从地质特征到大气和气候。 Topics may include: Tectonic plates构造板块 Soil formation and erosion土...
AP Environmental Science AP环境科学 科目介绍 | 科目内容 | 考前建议 AP环境科学课程相当于大学一个学期的环境科学入门课程,通过该课程,学生学会理解自然界内部相互关联所需的原理,概念和方法。本课程要求学生识别和分析自然和人为环境问题,评...
一、AP环境科学课程内容 Unit 1:The Living World: Ecosystems生命世界:生态系统 Unit 2: The Living World: Biodiversity生物世界:生物多样性 Unit 3: Populations人口 Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources地球系统和资源 Unit 5: Land and Water Use土地和水的使用 Unit 6: Energy Resources and Consumption...
Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources地球系统与资源 You’ll study the natural components that make up the environment, from geologic features to the atmosphere and climate. 你将学习构成环境的自然组成部分,从地质特征到大气和气候。Topics may include:· Tectonic plates构造板块 · Soil formation and ...
These are resources for Unit 9 of the Course and Exam Description for AP® Environmental Science . No one will do all of these items, because of the lack of time. Choose the … Read More lab/Unit 7 Air Pollution Lab- Airborne Particulates for Distance Learning ...
Earth Systems and Resources20 hoursStudy of Earth's physical systems, including atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. The Living World20 hoursEcology, ecosystems, biodiversity, and the importance of species and populations in environmental balance. ...
也就是Environmental Science,它是一门这个跨学科学科,它涵盖了生物、化学、环境科学等。那阅读理解和跨学课联系也是一个大考点。那在改革之后呢,增加了很多应用题,需要考生根据日积月累的知识来进行解题。环境科学能够在学术上支持环保工程、政治、地球科学等36个专业领域,可以说是一门万能学科,在美国高校中也是广...