and weaknesses in preparing for the actual AP Exam. Because this AP Environmental Science Practice Exam has never been administered as an operational AP Exam, statistical data are not available for calculating potential raw scores or conversions into AP grades.This AP Environmental Science Practice ...
AP Environmental Science Practice Exam has never been administered as an operational AP Exam, statistical data are not available for calculating potential raw scores or conversions into AP grades.This AP Environmental Science Practice Exam is provided by the College Board for AP Exam preparation. ...
The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science 网址: ANNENBERG LEARNER不仅提供线上教科书,还包括阅读、实验以及模拟练习的功能,以此来帮助学生理解一系列的主题。 12 Virtual Biology Lab 网址:h...
网址: NCCSTS虽是为教师提供在线资源,但是站内提供涵盖各种环境主题的案例研究。并且这些案例都可以免费下载,不过需要注册一个账号来获取教学笔记和答案。 11 The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science 网址:
AP Environmental Science_ With 2 Practice Tests, 9th Edition 下载积分:4000 内容提示: 文档格式:PDF | 页数:328 | 浏览次数:10 | 上传日期:2023-01-27 14:22:44 | 文档星级: 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 87 p. Therapeutic Peptides for Longevity 242 p. Theatre, Opera and ...
Math & Computer Science ■AP 计算机与科学 A AP Computer Science A 考试成绩分析: 2021年,在全球63,980名AP计算机科学A考生中,有345名获得满分80分。 选择题部分(MCQ)的得分明显高于自由回答部分(FRQ)。 在MCQ,对考生来说最具挑战性的Skill是practice 2,Code Logic。在运用这种技巧的问题上,考生们的得分通...
3.Environmental Science Toward a Sustainable Future 优点: 这本教材只有一个地方推荐,那就是关于能源使用以及环境污染部分的内容很好。如果学习完推荐的第一本教材后,对于能源及环境污染部分掌握得不是特别好,可以使用这本书做一个补充学习。 教辅:AP环境科学推荐使用的教辅及各自的特点是什么?
Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Science Learn about your classmates, VHS Learning, and what environmental science is and what you will be studying throughout the course. Week 2: Studying the State of Our Earth Learn about how the presence of humans, as a species, has impacted earth syst... TEDEd为学生和教师都提供了简短而直接的科普视频,由专业演讲者来讲述与环境科学有关的主题内容,为学生提供更多课堂外的思考和学习拓展。 03 AP物理学习网站 A Plus Physics 网址:https://w...
AP Environmental Science 1 HHMI BioInteractive HHMI提供了直接与AP环境科学接轨的在线教学资源,利用真实世界的数据通过视频和虚拟模型,帮助学生探究环境科学领域的知识。 2 Bozeman Science Bozeman Science主要为学生提供了有助于复习的教学视频,视频中有较为优质的例子来引导学生理解学术概念并解决问题,帮助学生准备AP考...