Whether you like reading or watching, we cover every key AP Environmental Science concept to help you succeed in class and on the exam. Preview Video Lesson Read Interactive Study Guides Our APES print and digital prep books allow quick review of each unit, topic, and subtopic on the exam,...
另外NEBS学子在今年的AP考试中,也有了不同科目的五分新突破。除2024年College Board新增的AP Precalculus外,学生们在AP 2D Art And Design;AP Comparative Government And Politics; AP Environmental Science均产生了新的AP五分。不仅如此,NEBS所开设的AP科目,平均分几乎都显著高于全球平均水平,详见下表。看到这...
This course adheres to the objectives outlined in the Course Description for AP Environmental Science from the AP College Board, which states “the course is intended to be the equivalent of a one semester, introductory college course in environmental science.” The aim of the AP Environmental ...
除2024年College Board新增的AP Precalculus外,学生们在AP 2D Art And Design;AP Comparative Government And Politics; AP Environmental Science产生新的AP五分。不仅如此,上海新纪元学校所开设的AP科目,平均分几乎都显著高于全球平均水平...
AP Environmental Science 以上数据反映了全球149,106名在5月份参加考试的AP环境科学考试的学生的情况。6月份参加考试的学生的数据尚未公布。 考试成绩分析: AP环境科学考试中,今年的MCQ和FRQ之间的得分差异是迄今为止所有科目中最大的:很多考生在MCQ部分的得分是FRQ部分的两倍(例如,在MCQ部分获得70%的分数考生在FRQ部...
Take Environmental Science as an example; this class is considered “easy” by some metrics (students often call it easy), but it has a very low frequency of students scoring 5s. Moreover, classes that are generally considered “difficult,” like AP Calculus BC, have a high percentage of ...
另外在今年的AP考试中,也有了不同科目的五分新突破。除2024年College Board新增的AP Precalculus外,学生们在AP 2D Art And Design;AP Comparative Government And Politics; AP Environmental Science产生新的AP五分。不仅如此,上海新纪元学校所开设的AP科目,平均分几乎都显著高于全球平均水平。
首先是中国学生选考最多且也容易成为优势学科的数理化(Sciences, Math & Computer Science)此类科目中,包含我国初高中就能接触到的科目:Biology 生物,Chemistry 化学,Physics 物理,即便是其他那些大学才会接触到的课程,也属于入门级别的,比如Calculus 微积分,Statistics 统计学,Environmental Science 环境科学,剩下的Compu...
除2024年College Board新增的AP Precalculus外,学生们在AP 2D Art And Design;AP Comparative Government And Politics; AP Environmental Science均产生了新的AP五分。 不仅如此,NEBS所开设的AP科目,平均分几乎都显著高于全球平均水平,详见下表。 ...
AP Computer Science A AP Computer Science Principles AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition AP Environmental Science AP European History AP French Language and Culture AP German Language and Culture AP Government and Politics: Comparative ...