2. 5 Steps to 500 AP English and Literature Questions to Know by Test Day 这本练习册适合考生在考前针对性地练习MCQ,整本书安排的都很有逻辑,而且每道题都有详细的解析,方便考前查缺补漏。 3. AP English Literature Composition for ...
MCQ Score 45 FRQ Score 55 Total Composite Score 100/100 Predicted AP® Score 5Math Translate Swiftly and accurately compute your AP English Literature and Composition exam score with examples.com’s intuitive score calculator. Free AP English Literature and Composition Practice Test How AP English...
本次手册中,我们不仅更新替换了以往版本中不适配考点的题目,还将有针对性的FRQ真题按照知识点拆分编入每个单元的练习题中,帮助同学们逐步将所学知识点落到实处。 AP CSA手册8.0章节Practice预览 更值得一提的是,手册中不管是练习题还是例题都...
2. 5 Steps to 500 AP English and Literature Questions to Know by Test Day 这本练习册适合考生在考前针对性地练习MCQ,整本书安排的都很有逻辑,而且每道题都有详细的解析,方便考前查缺补漏。 3. AP English Literature Composition for Dummies 可读性和实用性都非常强的教材,对AP英语文学中的各类文章、各...
- AP English Literature and Composition 英语文学 教辅用处不大,文学单靠提高应试技巧效果很有限,更需要长期培养阅读、写作和分析能力。跟着老师多练习诗歌和fiction分析方法、MCQ和essay并平时多读些文学作品即可。若要自学,推荐用普林斯顿教辅,比巴朗条理清晰且讲得更细。诗歌基础较差的同学可参考专门讲诗歌分析的教材...
在MCQ,对考生来说最具挑战性的Skill是practice 2,Code Logic。在运用这种技巧的问题上,考生们的得分通常较低。 FRQ部分,考生Q2(Class)得分最高。19%的考生在这个问题上得到了满分9分。23%的考生获得0/9分。 由于考试版本的差异。今年的AP CSA考试的总分是80分,大约一半的线上考试版本比纸笔版本更难,部分线...
AP English Literature committee试图在考题中加入代表美国多样性的作家。在2021年实施的考试版本中,45%的作者是非白人,54%的作者为女性。也就是说,AP English Literature committee(来自美国各地的教授和教师)渴望让更多的拉丁裔作家出现在考试中;今年的考试中共有30位拉丁裔作家。
texts. From the session, participants will be able to create or enhance an AP Language Syllabus. We will also discuss the relationship of our AP* course to AP English Literature. A major focus will the new College Board resources and recent changes to the AP English Language and Composition ...
这本练习册适合考生在考前针对性地练习MCQ,整本书安排的都很有逻辑,而且每道题都有详细的解析,方便考前查缺补漏。 3. AP English Literature Composition for Dummies 可读性和实用性都非常强的教材,对AP英语文学中的各类文章、各类考题都按顺序进行了详细的分析,而且语言幽默,表达浅显易懂。上...
Graph in Unit w MCQ PracticeTo make Au stronger and harder, it is often alloyed with other metals, such as Cu and Ag. Consider two alloys, one of Au and Cu and one of Au and Ag, each with the same mole fraction of Au. If the Au/Cu alloy is harder than the Au/Ag alloy, then...