历年真题及范文回答可以在college board官网找到: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-english-language-and-composition/exam/past-exam-questions 注:大部分范文(除2020年AP网考之外)都是PDF扫描件,建议大家在看题目前先扫...
首先,真题每个人都能有,全在官网这里https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-english-language-and-composition/exam/past-exam-questions 这些对于备考和上课,足矣。此外,19年考试改革后的未公布样题和真题,数量有限但价值非常高,靠谱的老师都该有 不过,若是商人的营销口号就要小心了:假AP语言/文学阅卷人说...
4、考试解读:选择题部分一般由4篇非虚构文章组成,涉及话题包括社科、科学、随笔等,没有文学类作品。 对于写作官方称写作部分为Free-Response Questions,三篇文章考查的写作能力各不相同。 第一篇是综合性写作。这个考察的就是孩子们将来上大学写论文的时候,是否能够正确地引用比较权威的资源。 第二篇是分析性写作,也...
AP English language and composition AP 英语语言与写作 学科介绍 这项考试主要是考察学生在阅读一篇散文后,对文章的理解力和分析能力,以及在短文中如何使用不同的文学修辞方式。3道解答题里有一道是要求考生综合文章的内容,写出文章的中心思想。多项选择答题的分数占整个试卷分数的45%,自由答题部分占5...
2021 ® AP English Language and Composition Free-Response Questions © 2021 College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of College Board. Visit College Board on the web: . AP Central is the official online home for the AP...
内容提示: AP English Language and Composition Practice ExamSECTION ITIME: 1 HOURDirections: After reading each passage, choose the best answer to each question and completely fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.Questions 1–14. Read the following passage carefully before you choose ...
Although the exact conversion from composite score to the five-point scale will vary from year to year and exam to exam, you can get a general sense of how this process works by looking at this breakdown of a past AP English Literature exam. Your teachers in your AP classes likely also ...
If you are taking the AP English language exam, you will respond to questions after reading a comprehensive passage. If you are taking one of the AP Math exams, you will have to meticulously solve a math problem step-by-step on your answer sheet. Therefore, it is not possible for a mac...
AP English Language & Composition Prepto cover the material most commonly tested by the CollegeBoard. Students will learn multiple-choice test-taking strategies, reading comprehension techniques, and how to approach the rhetorical, argumentative, and synthetic essay questions. The final session will incl...
AP English language and composition AP 英语语言与写作 学科介绍 这项考试主要是考察学生在阅读一篇散文后,对文章的理解力和分析能力,以及在短文中如何使用不同的文学修辞方式。3道解答题里有一道是要求考生综合文章的内容,写出文章的中心思想。多项选择答题的分数占整个试卷分数的45%,自由答题部分占55%。多项选择...