AP English Language and Composition 重点信息: 1.在全球今年AP英语语言和写作考试被记分的380,000名考生中,有24名考生在3篇作文和MCQ题型中获得了全部的满分100分。 2.FRQ 题型:这里我们主要评论Set 1的作文题目,因为大多数学生都收到的是这套题目。 许多学生撰写了历史保护法强有力的综合文章(Set 1,Q1),96...
★ AP Statistics 统计学 History and Social Sciences(4门) ★ AP Macroeconomics 宏观经济学 ★ AP Microeconomics 微观经济学 ★ AP Psychology 心理学 ★ AP Art History 艺术史 Language (2门) ★ AP English Language and Composition 英语...
⭕️03、AP物理1新增Fluids流体力学内容: AP物理1加入Fluids流体力学的内容,微观层面的流体力学内容被删除。物理1的内容更加贴近实际应用和学科发展的需求,有助于提高学生对流体力学的理解和应用能力。 改革后,4门考试都将统一为MCQ考50道题,90分钟;FRQ考4...
*1. 학번 *2. 请填写本项内容 *3. 1. My father was the sun and the moon to me. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) hyperbole B) personification C) simile D) metaphor *4. 2. The rain seemed like an old friend who had finally found us. ...
●数学与科学:AP Biology、AP Environmental Science、AP Psychology●人文与社会科学:AP Human Geography、AP World History:Modern●英语与语言:AP English Language and Composition11年级:专业导向,提升竞争力到了11年级,学生的学术基础和能力已经相对扎实,可以开始考虑更具挑战性的AP课程,尤其是那些与未来专业...
Approved by AQA, this stimulating series provides a range of current and topical examples of language use, integrating literary and linguistic skills through the analysis of a range of texts. Our online resources delivered via Kerboodle, provide additional support to those students studying B Level ...
◆ FRQ的第2题(apply 7 different psychology concepts to the situation of someone facing nervousness and excitement about an opportunity)得分率低于第1题。 2、European History 成绩分布5分11.8%4分20.0%3分25.6%2分30.4%1分12.2% ◆ 2018年得4分及5分的学生比例有所上升。全球约80,000名学生中有2名学...
考生需要在BlueBook中完成MCQ和FRQ,所有答案在考试结束时自动提交。 AP African American Studies (U.S. schools only) AP Art History AP Comparative Government and Politics AP Computer Science A AP Computer Science Principles AP English Language and Composition ...
English Language and Composition(英语语言与写作) 难度指数 4 星 推荐指数 5 星 这门课程,它是既有利于申请含金量的大幅提高,又有助于扫平美国大一几乎最大的学习障碍,难度还是比较高的。 English Language and Composition中的Language其实是高级英语阅读的意思,而Composition,当然也非SAT和 TOEFL之Writing所能比,...
AP ® ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION 2011 SCORING GUIDELINES © 2011 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org. Question 1 The score should reflect a judgment of the essay’s quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 15 minutes to read ...