AP MACRO ECONOMICS UNIT 6 : MR. LIPMANconsumers and/or investors
Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics and some basic economic concepts Unit 2 : Measuring a Nation’s Income Unit 3: Measuring the cost of living Unit 4 : Unemployment and its natural rate Unit 5 : Money growth and inflation Unit 6 : ...
Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics and some basic economic concepts Unit 2 : Measuring a Nation’s Income Unit 3: Measuring the cost of living Unit 4 : Unemployment and its natural rate Unit 5 : Money growth and inflation Unit 6 : The short-run tradeoff between infla...
微观经济部分IEO会额外涉及到一些更深入的内容,如behavioral economics,信息不对称性;在宏观经济部分IEO补充了Purchasing Power Parity的概念,以及real exchange rate的计算,还有一个长期的Open economy的模型;同时总体内容涉及到很多政府的政策,如国际方面的经济...
Two Benefits: Private and Social * The Economics of Pollution * Economics of Pollution Why are public bathrooms so gross? The Tragedy of the Commons (AKA: The Common Pool Problem) Goods that are available to everyone (air, oceans, lakes, public bathrooms) are often polluted since no one ...
Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 需要运用到经济学的内容知识和推理的范围内的课程主题和技能 Define economic principles and models定义经济原理和模型 Explain given economic outcomes解释给定的经济结果...
Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 用经济学的内容知识在课程主题和技能范围内适当推理 Define economic principles and models定义经济原理和模型 ...
Unit 5. Factor Markets: Labor Supply and Demand, Monopsony, Capital Markets Unit 6. Market Failures and the Role of Government: Efficiency-Equity Tradeoff, Externalities, Redistribution, Public Goods Microeconomics Economics Consumer Theory Producer Theory Market Structures Economic Fairness Course Auditing...
AP乐理并不仅仅面向专业或艺术类院校的学生。作为通识教育的一部分,对于陶冶情操、提高个人综合素养以及展示学生多方面能力都是有好处的。 招生官可以通过孩子的特长和艺术表现看到孩子的个性和学习的主动性,看看孩子是否为喜欢的事情投入热情并付诸努力。所以,通过AP音乐理论,学生不仅可以获得一门用于申请的AP成绩,也可...
AP,全称Advanced Placement,中文名称为美国大学预修课程,适用于全球计划前往美国读本科的高中生。由美国大学理事会(The College Board)主持,AP成绩不但可以抵扣成功申请美国大学的同学入学后相应课程的学分。随着美国留学竞争越来越大,AP成为了美国优秀大学对申请者的参考条件之一,而且越来越占据着重要的地位。