建议自主学习时间 👉3-4个月,每周学习6-7小时,保持每月平均学习约25小时,共学习75-100小时左右。 其中2个月左右学习知识点并进行同步题目练习;1个月左右进行一轮复习及真题刷题,根据做题情况补充知识、突破重难点;最后半个月的时间查缺补漏。 Part ...
AP宏微观经济与IEO的经济部分考点是非常接近的,所有宏微观的考点都在IEO竞赛中。 微观经济部分IEO会额外涉及到一些更深入的内容,如behavioral economics,信息不对称性;在宏观经济部分IEO补充了Purchasing Power Parity的概念,以及real exchange rate的计算,还有...
Unit 2 - Introduction 2-0 Economics, Scarcity, Factor of Production Economics Economics: the social science that studies theproduction,distribution, andconsumptionof goods and services. It examines how individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations make choices about how touse limited reso...
Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics and some basic economic concepts Unit 2 : Measuring a Nation’s Income Unit 3: Measuring the cost of living Unit 4 : Unemployment and its natural rate Unit 5 : Money growth and inflation Unit 6 : The short-run tradeoff between infla...
Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 用经济学的内容知识在课程主题和技能范围内适当推理 Define economic principles and models定义经济原理和模型 ...
Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 需要运用到经济学的内容知识和推理的范围内的课程主题和技能 Define economic principles and models定义经济原理和模型 Explain given economic outcomes解释给定的经济结果...
Economics Final 60個詞語 Milenka_Prieto 預覽 Test 1 concepts 18個詞語 Samantha_DePasquale2 預覽 Economics Quiz #1 33個詞語 cupcakes014 預覽 Econ Ch. 7 30個詞語 pford23 預覽 real estate UNIT 1 49個詞語 Medempsey3 預覽 AP Macro Unit 2 Terminology in progress 5個詞語 PAUL_ROWE6 預覽 BE ...
✅教辅推荐:Barron's AP Economics with 4 Practice Tests,7 Edition. 巴朗的教材内容全面,内容上更新比较及时,内容更贴合考纲,包含图像说明,强调考试所用的公式,知识点概念讲解详细,有许多的练习题目,比较适合初学者学习,也很适合综合复习,。 ✅教辅推荐:5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics, McGraw-Hill Educat...
AP Economics 要说AP考试中哪两门科目🔥,那肯定是AP宏观经济学和AP微观经济学啦!这两门课简直就是“亲妈级”友好的存在,零基础的同学也能轻松上手。而且5分率高得吓人,还是所有专业申请的“万金油”呢。 两门课思维体系差不多,有不少重合的部分,学起来事半功倍。内容逻辑清晰,不需要大量的专业词汇积累和高...
other things equal; a fall in the aggregate price level is associated with a fall in the quantity of aggregate output supplied, other things equal. To understand why this positive relationship exists, consider the most basic question facing a producer: is producing a unit of output profitable or...