Unit 5 Factor market 这个单元一直是很多同学觉得比较难的单元,虽然在考试中的占比没有unit 3-4多,但是却是历年官方整理出考生们丢分最多的部分。 在本次考试中,主要涉及到的依然是在perfectly competitive labor market中利润最大化的条件MFC...
建议自主学习时间 👉3-4个月,每周学习6-7小时,保持每月平均学习约25小时,共学习75-100小时左右。 其中2个月左右学习知识点并进行同步题目练习;1个月左右进行一轮复习及真题刷题,根据做题情况补充知识、突破重难点;最后半个月的时间查缺补漏。 Part ...
Unit 1 : An introduction of Ten Principles of Economics and some basic economic concepts Unit 2 : Measuring a Nation’s Income Unit 3: Measuring the cost of living Unit 4 : Unemployment and its natural rate Unit 5 : Money growth and inflation Unit 6 : The short-run tradeoff between infla...
1、Section 1: Multiple Choice多选,60道题,1hr 10mins,占比60% Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 用经济学的内容知识在课程主题和技能范围内适当推理 Define economic principles and models定义经济...
3.2Macro Unit 3- Practice Questions #1 3.3Aggregate Demand- Macro Topic 3.1 3.4The Multiplier Effect- Macro Topic 3.2 3.5Short-Run Aggregate Supply- Macro Topic 3.3 3.6Long-Run Aggregate Supply, Recession, and Inflation- Macro Topic 3.4 and 3.5 3.7Aggregate Demand and Supply Practice 3.8Fiscal Po...
***Barron’sAPEconomicsExamReviewBook*** StudentRequirements: Mustbringtextbooktoclasseveryday! 3ringbinder 1.Syllabus/ImportantPapers 2.ClassNotesandVocabulary 3.Quizzes 4.Readings/Handouts/Worksheets 5.Homework GradingPolicy: UnitExams(MultipleChoiceandFRQ’s):50% Quizzes:30% Homework/Assignments/Pap...
Positive economics is based on the scientific method: hypotheses are formulated and tested. Normative economics involves value judgments: not based on a scientific investigation but the way someone believes things ought to be. ●Resources A resource is anything that can be used to produce a good ...
AP Economics 要说AP考试中哪两门科目🔥,那肯定是AP宏观经济学和AP微观经济学啦!这两门课简直就是“亲妈级”友好的存在,零基础的同学也能轻松上手。而且5分率高得吓人,还是所有专业申请的“万金油”呢。 两门课思维体系差不多,有不少重合的部分,学起来事半功倍。内容逻辑清晰,不需要大量的专业词汇积累和高...
除此之外,针对Keynesian economics等经济政策和不同党派倾向性等在选项中也有涉及。 Unit 5 Political Participation Unit 5 在本次选择题中占比不算大,一共有两道选择题考察了关于elite,pulralist 和participatory democracy之间的区别。 FRQ分析FRQ 1 第一题考察的是Bureaucracy和President是如何相互影响的。题干的背...
Unit-of-Account Costs In the Middle Ages, contracts were often specified “in kind”: for example, a tenant might be obliged to provide his landlord with a certain number of cattle each year (the phrase in kind actually comes from an ancient word for cattle). This may have made sense at...