机构老师分析 AP预备微积分今年首次出现在AP考试的名单中,题目的难度中规中矩,考试题型与CB给出的sample questions比较类似,没有出现特别偏的题目。 自由问答题第一题主要考察基础函数(Elementary Functions)的性质及相关运算,比如End Behavior, Composite Function以及Inverse Function等。 第二题侧重于Model building等偏...
👉AP计算机科学原理(AP CSP): TD AP计算机科学原理考试介绍TD AP计算机科学原理2017-2023 Sample Questions合集 科学类 👉AP物理1: TD AP物理1/2考试介绍TD AP物理1手册8.0版(TD AP教研组出产的原创AP备考资料)TD AP物理1 2015-2023历年北美FRQ真题集...
Khan Academy — CSP 可汗学院就不用多说了,站内为学生提供教学视频,学生可以进行自主练习。站内的课程按照AP CSP 2020 – 21的标准进行了更新,提供了具有总结性和形成性评估的互动课程及指导视频。 4 Edhesive 网站 拥有AP认可的完整课程,学生可以进行自主练习。站内提供的AP计算机科学原理的完整在...
CodeHS is recognized by the College Board as an endorsed provider of curriculum and professional development for AP® Computer Science Principles (AP CSP). Using an Endorsed Provider affords schools access to resources including an AP CSP syllabus pre-approved by the College Board’s AP Course Au...
I didn't really know how public key encryption works, so I should review the sections regarding key encryption. In general, those questions were difficult for me, so it's a point of review. I was stuck between A and D for this question, but I understand now that D is correct because...
Get information on AP CSP performance tasks and end-of-course exam and see sample responses from students. 2025 AP Exam Registration Timeline (Regular Testing) and Exam Fee Test Registration Period 1 Expected to open October 21, 2024 Last day to register with payment: November 12, 2024 Dead...
CodeHS is recognized by the College Board as an endorsed provider of curriculum and professional development for AP® Computer Science Principles (AP CSP). Using an Endorsed Provider affords schools access to resources including an AP CSP syllabus pre-approved by the College Board’s AP Course Au...
We are pleased to announce the new publication of the 11th edition of the MULTIPLE-CHOICE AND FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS IN PREPARATION FOR THE AP CALCULUS (AB) EXAMINATION. NEW Calculus (BC) We are pleased to announce the new publication of the 10th edition of the MULTIPLE-CHOICE AND FREE-...
CSP midterm 37個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(100) Which philosopher is well known for theorizing that the mind at birth is "tabula rasa" or a "blank slate"? John Locke Why is Wilhelm Wundt often considered the first scientific psychological researcher?