涉及26门AP主流学科,轻松实现碎片化学习 《AP Daily: Practice Sessions》学习视频涉及AP微积分AB&BC、AP统计、AP 化学等26门AP主流学科,每个视频时长均在15分钟左右,有助于大家利用碎片化时间进行学习。 CB阅卷老师视频讲解,带你抽丝剥茧梳理知识点 每门AP学科视频均分为8个Sessions(AP CSP学科只有6个sessions),...
《AP Daily: Practice Sessions》学习视频涉及AP微积分AB&BC、AP统计、AP 化学等26门AP主流学科,每个视频时长均在15分钟左右,有助于大家利用碎片化时间进行学习。 CB阅卷老师视频讲解,带你抽丝剥茧梳理知识点 每门AP学科视频均分为8个Ses...
The AP Computer Science Principles course framework included in the course and exam description outlines distinct skills from computational thinking practices that students should practice and develop throughout the year—skills that will help them learn to think and act like computer scientists. Emphasis...
Fishing Downstream: Does CSPAP Promotion During PETE Transfer to Teaching Practice by K–12 Physical Educators?ABSTRACTView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8137-3217Douglas EllisonView further author informationhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8157-8442...
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《AP Daily: Practice Sessions》学习视频涉及AP微积分AB&BC、AP统计、AP 化学等26门AP主流学科,每个视频时长均在15分钟左右,有助于大家利用碎片化时间进行学习。 CB阅卷老师视频讲解,带你抽丝剥茧梳理知识点 每门AP学科视频均分为8个Ses...
下图为《2023 AP Daily: Practice Sessions》学习资源所包含的AP学科及课程详情: CB判卷老师视频讲解,带你抽丝剥茧梳理知识点 每门AP学科视频均分为8个Sessions(除了AP CSP学科为Session1-4外),讲解视频是由CB判卷老师亲自录制,将知识...
下图为《2023 AP Daily: Practice Sessions》学习资源所包含的AP学科及课程详情: CB判卷老师视频讲解,带你抽丝剥茧梳理知识点 每门AP学科视频均分为8个Sessions(除了AP CSP学科为Session1-4外),讲解视频是由CB判卷老师亲自录制,将知识...