03. 每门考试的考试时间信息请参阅AP网站的“Exam Timing and Structure” 部分: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/ap-exams-overview/exam-timing-structure 04. 具体每门考试的时长等信息,请参阅AP网站的“About the Exam” 页面,你参加的考试科目。 以统计学为例,请参阅: https://apstudents.collegebo...
考试设置将在正式考试开始前3天开放,并于正式考试前1天截止。以5月18日(北京时间5月19日)开始的首日线上考试-AP英语文学与写作和AP CSA为例,需要在5.15-5.16间完成设置,换算成北京时间即5.16-5.17。 注意:考生需要对所参加的每一门考试均完成考试设置。若考生不能在考试开始前完成考试所需的一切准备设置,考生...
考试设置将在正式考试开始前3天开放,并于正式考试前1天截止。以5月18日(北京时间5月19日)开始的首日线上考试-AP英语文学与写作和AP CSA为例,需要在5.15-5.16间完成设置,换算成北京时间即5.16-5.17。 注意:考生需要对所参加的每一门考试均完成考试设置...
Rise Up 4 CS was created at Georgia Tech in the spring of 2013 to help African American students succeed in their Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A (CSA) high school course and on the exam. The AP CSA course is intended to be equivalent to a college level CS1 course. In the...
3. Cracking the AP Computer Science A Exam, Princeton 优点: 语言活泼、轻松有趣 缺点: ①练习题相对较少 ②不适合作为主力教辅书使用,习题答案讲解方面有一些不严谨的地方,适合参考其中的考试介绍、知识讲解等内容。 CSA学习搭配: 教材Big Java+教辅Barron ...
AP计算机科学包括两门科目:Computer Science A (CSA)和Computer Science Principle (CSP)。CSP 主要学习计算机基本原理,CSA 则主要学习 Java 语言编程。通常我们说到AP计算机科学,或者说大多数学生所选的课,更多的是指 CSA,所以本文以下内容皆以CSA为主。
考试开始后,考试界面基本和之前的考前练习是一致的,首先弹出的是Exam Direction和Section Direction的页面,提醒考试的整体时间和选择部分的考试时间,还有考试建议等。 这里建议大家不要在一道题上停留过久,先根据题目和数量对考试做个简单的时间分配...
This digital textbook follows the unit structure laid out by the College Board, and it will help prepare students for the AP CSA exam. It teaches the basics of object-oriented programming with a focus on problem-solving and algorithm development. ...
Rise Up 4 CS was created at Georgia Tech in the spring of 2013 to help African American students succeed in their Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A (CSA) high school course and on the exam. The AP CSA course is intended to be equivalent to a college level CS1 course. In the...
Digitize your AP CSA Exam Prep Dom David Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description View solution to coding problems (w/ads) Fine-tune your ability to write Java code for the AP Exam with 180+ programming problems covering all 10 units of varying difficulties including usef...