CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — UNC-Chapel Hill has spent $21 million on investigations, public relations and legal bills connected to the six-year academic scandal at the school. The university’s total bill came from a Freedom of Information Act request from The News & Observer of Raleigh. ...
赵同学在进入UNC就读前参加了4门AP考试,考试科目和成绩分别是Calculus BC(5分), Chemistry(5分),Physics C Mechanics (5分),Physics C Electrics and Magnetism(5分),最后可以免除物理专业的必修课MATH 231,232(6 credits),CHEM 101,102(8 credits),而且参加了UNC的Placement Test, 获得PHYS 116,117(8 credi...
"To graduate early from college," Warne says, "a student would have to take a large enough number of AP courses; pass the tests; have the college agree to grant credit for the student's scores; receive enough credits toward graduation to eliminate at least one full semester; and neve...
这个问题首先我们需要查一下梦校的要求是否能换大学Credits,是否能满足General Education。即便是一所大学内,实际院系之间也会有所差异。以下收集的是US News 2019综合排名前30院校中接受换学分的情况汇总,大家可以点击查阅: (注意:上述AP换算政策的内容,学校每年都会根据招生和教学情况进行调整,仅供参考!) 附: 2020...