与AP不同的是,当你进行Dual Enrollment时,你有更高的机会转移学分。大多数学校要求你在一门课上至少得到C才能算学分,这可能比在AP考试中得到4或5分更容易。与AP相比,采用Dual Enrollment方式,你也有更多种类的课程可供选择。有了这个优势,你的...
选择Dual Enrollment课程而不是AP课程总体上对你更有好处,因为Dual Enrollment使你有可能超越高中课程,在各种学科上取得更高的水平,探索AP课程没有提供的学科,并允许你在实际的大学校园里体验大学课程。 关于学分转换的分数,你有更多的依靠。如果你所在的学校同时提供两种招生方式,我强烈建议你采用Dual Enrollment方式。
美国“双学分”制度(Dual enrollment)提高AP美高的名校录取率 探讨美国“双学分”制度(Dual enrollment)对提高AP美高名校录取率的帮助 中国的家长一讲到学分转移,便主动套上了社区学院转大学,便认为第一学历是“专升本”,含金量极低。实际上,每年通过这个转学体制的学生,是美国精英高中的学生,他们通过“双学分...
Similarly,dual enrollment(or dual credit) programs allow students to earn college credit while they’re still in high school. Generally speaking, high schools partner with community colleges or local universities to offer college-level courses at the high school or online. Sometimes, students will t...
首先,简单解释一下“双学分课程”或“Post-Secondary Enrollment Options(PSEO)”。几乎所有州都允许高中生参加社区学院或大学课程。这些课程可将获得的学分应用到他们的高中成绩单中。学生注册两次是指:他们在同一门课程中同时获得高中和大学学分。在某些情...
mostrigorouscourses possible, such as honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and dual-enrollment courses....
“Whenever you can, challenge yourselfwith the most rigorous courses possible, such as honors, Advanced Placement (AP) and dual-enrollment courses. We will evaluate the International Baccalaureate (IB), A-levels or another diploma in the context of the program’s curriculum.”Princeton is more ...
1. 课程难度接近大学入门课程 AP 的整年课程跟 IB 的第二年课程都相当于大一的入门课程,学生会感觉比...
“Whenever you can, challenge yourself with the most rigorous courses possible, such as honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and dual-enrollment courses. We will evaluate the International Baccalaureate (IB), A-levels, or another diploma in the context of the program’s curriculum.” ...
While the general rigor of AP courses may suit you well, not all AP subjects will be equally right for you. To ensure that you choose the appropriate classes, consider these three signs that an AP course may not be right for you: ...