链接如下: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-computer-science-a/classroom-resources/lab-resource-page 3. AP Classroom 如果同学在学校有开设这门AP CSA课的话,科任老师是会有开AP CSA的AP Classroom的权利的。科任老师可以从AP...
可以说,在众多的AP学科当中, AP计算机科学是最具有实用价值,最值得学习的一门学科了 。AP计算机科学包括两门科目:Computer Science A (CSA)和Computer Science Principle (CSP)。CSP 主要学习计算机基本原理,CSA 则主要学习 Java 语言编程。通常我们说到AP计算机科学,或者说大多数学生所选的课,更多的是指 CSA,所以...
链接如下: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-computer-science-a/classroom-resources/lab-resource-page 3. AP Classroom 如果同学在学校有开设这门AP CSA课的话,科任老师是会有开AP CSA的AP Classroom的权利的。科任老师可以从AP Classroom给学生布置每一章的练习题。如果科任老师没给的话,大家可...
ap-computer-science-syllabus计算机课程解析 AP® Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 3 Syllabus 1172779v1 1
以前的AP computer science AB也许能抵个introductory level的cs专业课 可惜现在没啦
It’s also a way to automate testing their labs. I am guaranteeing that the students’ classes all have the same method signatures, enabling them to easily test all of their methods. 2 ® AP Computer Science A Sample Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1172785v1 I engage my students in a number of ...
AP Computer Science A - Rebekah Lang Tuition: $900 2024-2025 Ifyou want to learn to code in Java;else ifyou want to major in computer science, engineering, or other math or science-related fields;else ifyou love problem solving and logic puzzles;else ifyou love coding;else ifyou want ...
including the new AP Computer Science A labs and changes to the Java subsetBARRON’SThe Leader in Test Preparation*AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.with BARRON’SSCOR...
In the AP Computer Science Labs , program invocation with main may occur, but the main method will be kept very simple. 10. Students are required to understand when the use of static methods is appropriate. In the exam, static methods are always invoked through a class (explicitly or ...
AP Computer Science A Course Design: The proposed syllabus is for a two-semester course, assuming 30 weeks are available prior to the AP exam. The course meets for five 45-minute class periods per week. The course includes several individual programming projects assigned for one or two weeks ...