适合整体复习、刷题、考前冲分 5 Steps to a 5 AP Computer Science A 与Barron类似 可以作为题库扩...
AP计算机科学 Computer Science A (简称APCS或CSA) 是美国大学理事会主持的大学先修课程和考试,以便提供给高中生大学水平的计算机科学课程大学学分。 很多未来打算朝计算机相关专业发展的同学们在高中阶段都会考虑选修一门AP计算机科学课程,为将来的专业学习打好基础。而相较于CSP,...
3.拓展阅读和学习:对于AP CSP来说,广泛涉猎计算机科学的各种资料,如教材、参考书、学术论文等,开阔思维、加深理解,丰富自己的知识库不是一件坏事。小鹅给大家推荐《Computer Science Illuminated》、《Computer Science An Overview》、《Discovering Computers》、...
AP官方课程:计算机科学A AP Computer Science A 合集(2020年 完整版)共计33条视频,包括:AP Computer Science A_ 9.1 Creating Superclasses and Subclasses、AP Computer Science A_ 9.2 Writing Constructors for Subclasses、AP Computer Science A_ 9.3 Overriding
AP计算机科学computer science A基于“设计®理解”(Wiggins和McTighe)模型,该课程框架提供了学生成功所需的课程要求的描述,重点是包含该学科的核心原则,理论和过程的大想法。该框架还鼓励为学生提供高级计算机科学课程的教学,并将其整合到广泛的STEM相关领域。
AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures. ...
这个第三题题目较长,遇到这种题目就要冷静观察。 题目大意是有一个a数组里面每个数的规律就是3k+1,那实际上第34个(包含0)就是100,所以第一个function相当于正向寻找数组内值=100的情况,既然是从头开始找的那么就是找34次,所以n1 = 34 第二个function是一个经典的二分查找,mid就是用来取中间值,二分查找只能...
AP Computer Science Principles is an introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. ...
AP Comp Sci Principles Join Community Who Should Join? This community is intended for students that are "Independently Studying" for the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles test offered by the College Board, and those students that are seeking qualified and trained tutors to assist their ...