College Board is a non-profit organization that clears a path for all students to own their future through the AP Program, SAT Suite, BigFuture, and more.
Earn College Credit and Placement Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. In fact, most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit. Boost Your GPA Most high schools offer a GPA boost to students who take AP. Be sur...
Earn College Credit and Placement Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. In fact, most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit. Boost Your GPA Most high schools offer a GPA boost to students who take AP. Be sur...
Earn College Credit and Placement Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. In fact, most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit. Boost Your GPA Most high schools offer a GPA boost to students who take AP. Be sur...
新东方在线SAT整理了2024年AP考试时间、AP考试内容等内容,今天带来的是2024年ap报名网站,希望能帮到大家,顺利踏上留学之旅。 ap报名网站 官网地址: AP有哪些科目? The College Board目前总共开设7大类学科38门课程。国内学生常考的科目有微积分AB、微积分BC、统计、计算机科学...
AP Precalculus Prepare more students for college-level math by offering AP Precalculus at your school. Learn About AP Precalculus Digital AP Exams Learn about the 28 AP Exams that are going digital in May 2025 and find the latest resources to help you plan for digital testing. ...
AP课程,全称是Advanced Placement,即美国大学先修课程,是由美国大学理事会(College Board)主持设计并在全球范围内推广的高中阶段授课的大学水平课程。这些课程旨在为成绩优秀、天资聪颖的高中生提供机会,让他们在高中时期就能提前接触并学习大学水平的课程内容。AP课程涵盖了多个学科领域,包括数学与计算机科学类、自然...
登陆College Board官网: 点击“View your scores”,输入CB账号和密码即可查询(查询系统不支持IE浏览器)。 如果忘记了账号或密码,不要重新创建新的账号,可以通过以下链接找回: 如成绩报告不全,尽管大多数分数会在7月公布,但由于考试日期较晚或其他情况,一些分数可能需要更长的时间才能处理。当学生的分数被添加到分数...
College Board (下文均简称CB) 官方近日更新了2021年AP线上考试的注意事项和详细要求,小编为大家整理了考前准备、考试APP注意事项、考试答案提交等核心内容,建议各位考生仔细阅读如下的内容: AP线上考试的4个步骤 14月8日起下载线上考试APP 从4月8日起,CB将发布2021年AP线上考试所使用的考试APP,并给出下载说明供...
college board今日最新通告! 随着7月8日 2024年AP放榜,CollegeBoard官方听取了非常多外界的声音,也依据今年大量学生申诉成绩的情况,决定在这个节点加速推进AP机考转型的进程。 敲黑板:报考率最高的,同时需要图形或符号表达的科目,例如,微积分、宏微观经济、物理、化学、...