进入我们的AP Classroom,可以观看里面的AP Daily课程视频来复习,这些不同科目的学科知识点讲解视频,全部由经验丰富的AP老师录制而成,可以有效地帮助考生掌握和巩固AP课程的重点知识和内容。 此外,考生还可以使用AP Daily:Practice Sessions来做练...
AP, Research Paper, and Classroom History, Gov, and Geo Tutoring I have taught US History for more than 20 years. I am also qualified by the College Board as a reader for the AP US History exam, and have worked as a reader on the World History exam for eight years. See Stewart's...
Flipped/Flipped Classroom/Methods & Lessons How I Structure My Flipped Class My “flipping” method has evolved over the past 3 years. This is my current approach for a flipped class. For reference, I teach on a traditional schedule of 55 minutes … ...
The FRQ Center provides an opportunity for students to explore past exam FRQ questions in a variety of formats on the CodeHS platform. Each question can be completed independently or assigned to students in your classroom. Visit the FRQ Center AP Labs & Supplemental Projects College Board Labs ...
Although colleges have accepted these mini-AP exams during past emergencies, do we have any assurances that credit will be granted for AP science exams taken by students who presumably did not complete all of their laboratory exercises because of corona-closures? Art Sawyer says: March 20, 2020...
此外,考生还可以使用AP Daily:Practice Sessions来做练习,题库中包含了FRQs(自由回答题)和MCQs(多项选择题)。所有练习视频都会发布在YouTube和AP Classroom上,同学们可以随时观看。 观看网址: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/instructional-resources/ap-daily ...
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