Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
This section in AP Classroom shows all assignments from your teacher and allows you to manage videos and other course resources. Credit and Placement Search AP Credit Policies Find colleges that grant credit, advanced placement, or both for AP Exam scores. ...
gives high school students the opportunity to earn college credit and learn advanced concepts. At the end of every course, there is a rigorous AP exam to test the student's ability to hold up under college-level work. Passing AP exams shows college admissions officers that you can handle col...
Classroom Resources The Exam Professional Learning Course Overview AP French Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in French. Students cultivate their understanding of French language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communica... (二维码自动识别) 所有AP考试成绩都有用 完成AP课程学习并且参加考试可以提高学生的学术水平。参加一门AP考试能够帮助考生提升对学习其它课程有价值的学术技能,例如时间管理、批判性思维、学术写作和独立学习等等,这将帮助学生更顺利地完成从...
Find colleges that grant credit and/or placement for AP Exam scores in this and other AP courses. Course Resources Link AP Classroom Resources Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results...
It's not as hard as they think. The College Board has already released some helpfulonline toolsat its 'AP Central' website. Students can simply go to 'My AP' to sign in and access the 'AP Classroom' feature. Now, it is important to note that most of this information originally referr...
需要有一所提供AP课程的学校将他/她的名字上报进list且加入学校(在CB官网开通的)课程的AP Classroom...