2. 报名流程 Step 1:加入AP CLASSROOM Get your joint code-使用AP老师给你的加入代码,在线加入他或她的班级。 Sign in to AP-使用你的CollegeBoard用户名和密码登录到MY AP。如果还没注册CollegeBoard账号,请先注册。 或者进入网页版操作: Choose to join a course-点击Join a course or exam按钮; 或者进入...
稍后在2024-25学年期间,Bluebook将提供所有科目的试题预览。 和以往一样,学生可以在AP Classroom免费查看并使用在线练习题、小测验和其他由AP权威教师设计的考试题目,来复习和巩固对AP课程内容和技能的理解。 2025年 AP考试将在5月举行,具体的时间安排...
19. AP Psychology(心理学):备考时长约为6-8个月,主要学习要点包括心理学的基本概念、心理过程、实验方法等内容。 20. AP Government and Politics: United States(美国政府与政治):备考时长约为6-8个月,内容涵盖了美国政府体系、政治流程、公民参与等内容。 21. AP Human Geography(人类地理学):备考时长约为...
已停止服务。 02. AP官方推出全新备考资源AP Classroom College Board为考生们提供了全新的备考资源—AP Classroom,主要包含了4大部分的内容: Unit Guide (单元指导) 将概念进行了细分,方便考生聚焦知识点 Personal Progress Check (个人进度查询) 可以从知识点和时间上追溯进步和变化 Performance Dashboard (成绩指示...
AP US Government and Politics AP英语语言与写作 AP English Language and Composition AP英语文学与写作 AP English Literature and Composition AP计算机A AP Computer Science A AP计算机原理 AP Computer Science Principles AP环境科学 AP Environmental Science ...
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Students can find information about AP courses and exams, access AP Classroom resources such as AP Daily videos, and view their AP Exam scores.
Our AP Government and Politics tutors will help you keep your civil rights and liberties straight. Don’t get stuck on homework questions discussing constitutional underpinnings at midnight. Connect to a tutor the moment you need help. Interactive Learning in Our Online Classroom...
1. 登录AP Digital Portfolio,网站指路:https://prod.idp.collegeboard.org/2. 进入考生所在AP Classroom;3. 导航至其中一个创建性能任务组件;4.分别提交Program Code,Video,Personalized Project Reference,上传-预览-最终提交。 提交流程如上 P.S.Per...