Honors Courses. During the 2024-2025 school year we will again be offering honors classes online to homeschooled students worldwide. These classes prepare students to participate in AP classes in the future. Summer Courses.In the summer of 2024 we will again be offering Summer Enrichment Online...
Online AP classes to grow your students—and your school. Our US education accredited courses are personalized and customized to meet each of your needs.
“When asked about UWorld, 100% of my students in all of my classes commented that they would prefer to use this resource over all other AP resources. As a teacher, I also found it extremely easy to use, create assessments, and collect data with. I absolutely love it. After 22 years...
AP® Classes OnlineWhile our full-year AP® courses are focused on preparing students for the Advanced Placement® exams in the spring, they offer much more than mere test preparation. Our courses run from early fall to late spring, offering personal interaction with master teachers and ...
Online pastry chef Your chance to live the life you have dreamed of is now just a course away! Enrolling in cooking classes is a terrific way to develop your culinary talents and knowledge. These workshops give basic information and abilities in areas such as food preparation, presentation et ...
Online APCollege AP English Literature Review Course $320 $399Learn more Get Access to Every AP Course with Unlimited Prep Unlimited Prep offers you everything you need to prepare for your AP®, SAT®, ACT®, and PSAT exams. Take unlimited classes through your senior year of high school...
Earn College Credit Without the ClassesSave time, tuition, and fast-track your college career with REA's prep for CLEP® exams. SEE THE TITLES Get a Higher Score on AP® Exams in Less TimeFocused, faster AP® prep to learn the most in the least time. ...
“The AP courses require a lot more work, and they cover a lot more material,” says Richard Tench, chair of the American School Counselor Association’s board of directors. While some students feel pressured to take AP classes, others lack access to them. Some schools do not offer any AP...
How to Select the Right AP Classes for You. The College Board encourages all types of students to enroll in AP Precalculus, which it says can promote timely high school and college graduation, as well as cultivate a passion for STEM. However, be aware that your school may require you to...
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