3,在页面弹出的Lecture List中选择自己感兴趣的课程即可 规划第二年的AP学习和备考计划 College Board建议,在寒假期间就可以开始考虑第二年(也就是2025年5月AP考试)要选择的AP课程了。大家打开College Board官网的AP专属板块,点击“Courses& Exams”,即可查看全部AP课程信息,点击课程名称还能看到详细介绍! 图源:colle...
这里要提示的是不要独立的看collegeboard公布的各科满分百分比,因为对于简单的学科,报考的人数多,满分率反而会很低,而对于比较难的科目,能报考这些科目的都是学霸甚至是学神,满分率自然很高。 所以如果你看到AP物理C电磁学的满分率比AP物理1还要高,就觉得AP物理C电磁学容易拿满分的话,那一定是too young too naive...
提交方式1. 登录AP Digital Portfoli。网站:https://prod.idp.collegeboard.org/2. 进入考生所在AP Classroom;3. 导航至其中一个创建性能任务组件;4.分别提交Program Code,Video,Personalized Project Reference,上传——预览——提交。 今年新增的笔试问答题...
[01:54.60]In February, the College Board released [01:57.96]its first official version of the AP course. [02:02.40]It did not contain several subjects [02:05.64]on the list of Florida's concerns, [02:08.16]including Black...
Visit the College Board on the Web: . GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -7- ® 2018 AP COMPUTER SCIENCE A FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (a) Write the constructor for the WordPairList class. The constructor takes an array of strings words as a parameter and initializes the instance variable allPairs ...
The classes, developed by The College Board, cover many subjects, including English, history, math, and sciences among others. 美国的高中生可以通过参加并通过大学先修课程 (AP) 课程来获得大学学分。 这些课程由美国大学理事会开发,涵盖许多科目,包括英语、历史、数学和科学等。 This week, the non-...
The College Board has not said what revisions will be made, but plans to release the course's framework on Feb. 1 – the start of Black History Month – adding that should give the country a better idea of what is and isn't taught in the elective Advanced Placement class. ...
針對青少年以溝通、互動功能為主導文化大觀園、入境隨俗編者:國立台灣師範大學國語教學中心看影片 AdvancedPlusChinese 教師手冊 課文背景學習目標學習內容教學流程(標註5C目標)活動表與學習單 AdvancedPlusChinese模 擬測驗本 根據CollegeBoard所公佈之AP中文考試範本設計而成。聽力、閱讀、寫作、口語測驗 ...
What Is an AP Class? The Advanced Placement (AP) Programis a program that is run by the College Board, the same institution that administersthe SAT test. Basically,AP allows you to take college-level courses in high school as a way of preparing you for college. These courses are more ...
是Ap世界史考试考察的内容其实在college board官网里面的description写的都是很清晰的,大家不需要天马行空的去自己分析考试的重点,一本专门的教材不仅肯定囊括了所有考察的内容,也可以在复习时帮你更好的梳理每个topic的细节,而有些通史作者为了阅读趣味性和文章连贯性可能会把很多内容杂在一起讲,这样的结果可能是你...