High school courses in chemistry and Algebra II高中化学与代数课程2作为先修课 考试时长:3hrs 15mins 考试时间:2021年5月7,8 AM Local 考试分布:Section 1: Multiple Choice 多选60道题,1hr 30mins,占比50% 涉及同一图表或数据表示的一组问题。你不能在第一部分使用计算器。Section 2: Free Response...
The AP Chemistry test centers around nine major units,which encompass all the topics covered in the AP Chemistry course. I list them here to give you an overview of what kinds of ideas you should be familiar with before taking the test. Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties Exam Weighting...
Unit 2: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties分子和离子化合物的结构和性质 将发现化学键的范围,以及它们的结构如何影响所产生的分子的性质。 Topics may include: Types of chemical bonds化学键的类型 Intramolecular force and potential energy分子间作用力和分子势能 Structure of ionic solids离子固...
AP Chemistry: Multiple Choice Practice Questions The multiple-choice section of the AP Chemistry test consists of 60 questions that you will have 90 minutes to answer. That’s an average of one and a half minutes per question. Refresh yourself on the general AP test strategies and multiple-...
The 9 Units of AP Chemistry These are the fundamental concepts every AP Chemistry syllabus must cover (although not necessarily in this order). Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties Moles and molar mass Mass spectroscopy of elements Elemental composition of pure substances ...
Chemistry Honors / Chem AP / College General Chemistry Notes Unit 1: Foundations (Significant Figures, Conversions, Naming & Formulas of Compounds) Significant Figures and Rounding Significant Figures, Conversions, Temperature Conversions, Density, States of Matter, Heterogeneous/Homogeneous, Physical/Chemica...
● Unit1:Chemistry of Life 生命化学 ● Unit2:Cell Structure and Function 细胞结构和功能 ● Unit3:Cellular Energetics 细胞能量学 ● Unit4:Cell Communication and Cell Cycle 细胞通讯和循环 ● Unit5:Heredity 遗传 ● Unit6:Gene ...
5. AP Chemistry(化学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括化学反应、化学平衡、化学键结构、化学热力学等化学的基本概念和原理。 6. AP Physics 1(物理学1):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括运动学、力学、能量守恒、机械波等物理学的基本概念和原理。 7. AP Physics 2(物理学2):备考时长约...
The Chemistry of Life 生命中的化学 ionic bonding 离子键 covalent bonding 共价键 hydrogen bonding 氢键 polar, (non polar)molecule 极性 (非极性)分子 monomer 单体 polymer 多聚物 functional group (有机化学中的)功能团 carbohydrate 糖类,碳水化合物 protein 蛋白质 ...
Ch 1. AP Chemistry: Experimental Laboratory Chemistry 1.Metric System | Measurements, Conversion & Units Lesson & Quiz Video Only Learn about the metric measurements and the metric system units . See how metric system conversion works and compare the measurements to English system. ...