AP Chemistry Practice Exam在网上是没有下载链接的,有的话也是需要付费购买o(╥﹏╥)o。 这里比较建议大家做的一点是把2019的题留在最后做,因为2019的Practice Exam的每一道MCQ都是配有解析的,而且年份也最接近现在,所以这份卷子用来当模考再合适不过了。(PS. 现在可能出了2021的Practice Exam,大家也可以去找找)...
A study plan is really necessary for a difficult exam like AP Chemistry. It can help you create an efficient schedule that balances exam prep with regular studies and leisure. If all you do is study for the exam, it will slowly tire you down, and it will waste your time as well. Thus...
3. AP Chemistry Practice Exam AP Chemistry Practice Exam在网上是没有下载链接的,有的话也是需要付费购买o(╥﹏╥)o。这里比较建议大家做的一点是把2019的题留在最后做,因为2019的Practice Exam的每一道MCQ都是配有解析的,而且年份也最接近现在,所...
4. AP Biology(生物学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括细胞结构与功能、遗传学、进化论、生态学等生物学的基本概念和原理。 5. AP Chemistry(化学):备考时长约为8-10个月,主要学习要点包括化学反应、化学平衡、化学键结构、化学热力学等化学的基本概念和原理。 6. AP Physics 1(物理学1):备考时长...
Here are some additional tips that will help you prepare for the AP Chemistry exam appropriatelyandimprove the efficiency of your studying! #1: Always Ask Why Don't gloss over questions you got right through lucky guesses.If you don't understand exactly why the correct answer is correct, you...
Cracking AP Chemistry Exam:这本书知识点讲解比较简单,不太适合学习新知,可以在掌握知识点之后当做一个回顾来看。没有很多讲解性的例题,更多的是把核心知识点集合在一起。每一个big idea里的分类内容都可以看做一个小考点。题目:每章后面的题目很有针对性,并且包括AP考试中的连续题(虽然主要针对一个章节的内容,...
同时,AP Classroom里的题也很值得做。《AP Chemistry Practice Exam》 这些练习题在网上没有下载链接,需要付费购买。 其他刷题资源 如果觉得选择题还需要更多练习,可以使用CCC和欧几里得化学竞赛的题,这些题在官网上都可以找到。USNCO的题也可以使用,但有机部分和酸碱部分不考或难度高于AP化学。
从1月份开始,着手做AP Classroom里的每一章节配套的选择题外加每年的真题FRQ。四月初,每隔两天就要做AP Chem的Practice Exam。考前几天,把备考时所有知识点笔记快速过了一遍,然后看自己的选择题和FRQ错题,最后把常考的公式再背一遍。 AP Chemistry简介
Tips for AP Chemistry Review Throughout the year, and especially as you begin to study more for the AP exam in the spring, keep these tips in mind to keep your studying as effective and efficient as possible. Tip 1: Start From the Beginning ...
Understanding the AP EAMCET 2025 exam pattern is one of the crucial steps to scoring well in the exam. The question paper consists of a total of 160 questions comprising 80 questions in Mathematics, 40 in Physics and 40 in Chemistry. All questions are of objective type (multiple choice) only...