MCQ & FRQ: Lewis (Dot) Structure: Octet Rule:每个原子周围都有8个电子Exception: Group 17—F, Cl, Br, I.. 只连一条键电负性越小---中心原子的优先项 FRQ: Resonance Structure, NO3, Formal charge 越接近0,越稳定,MCQ: Bond Order:键数(double bonds 算两个bonds)/ 成键数(double/triple bonds...
7、Libretexts – Chemistry 地址: 这是一个很好的在线教科书的复习信息来...
As a Junior, I have the option to take AP chem and honors physics. I want to take AP chem very badly but I can't take AP physics without doing honors physics first. I Ultimately want to take AP physics but AP chem seems looks great on a college application. What class should I tak...
7、Libretexts – Chemistry 地址 这是一个很好的在线教科书的复习信息来源,可以作为教科书之外的一种补充资源。 8、Simbucket-Chem Think 地址 该网站由各种化学原理的互动教程和问题集组成,互动的教学方式可以吸引学生的注意力和学习兴趣,问题集可以帮助更快发现学生在学习中的弱点...
MCQ & FRQ: Hybridization: sp3(4) = 全单键,sp2(3) = 有一双键,sp (2)= 两双键/一三键electron domain (a); 1 sigma=single bond; 1 sigma + 1 pi=double bond; 1 sigma + 2 pi=triple bond Unit 3 Intermolecular Forces and Properties ...
MCQ & FRQ: Hybridization: sp3(4) = 全单键,sp2(3) = 有一双键,sp (2)= 两双键/一三键 electron domain (a); 1 sigma=single bond; 1 sigma + 1 pi=double bond; 1 sigma + 2 pi=triple bond Unit 3 Intermolecular Forces and Properties MCQ & FRQ: Intramolecular Forces: attraction within ...