ap ib alevel igcse chemistry key concept 1-chemical equilibrium 198 -- 21:21 App 高中化学选修2|ap化学/ib化学/alevel化学/ccc化学竞赛/ukcho|||分子构型 1881 3 13:46 App 新鲜热辣校园风•听力•口语 I Fell In Love With a Boy That I Can Never Have 812 -- 13:27 App 新鲜热辣校园风•...
以AP Calculus BC Practice Sessions题目为例,Session1-8分别为: · Session 1: MCQ5道(非计算器)· Session 2: MCQ6道 (可用计算器)· Session 3: FRQ 1道 (可用计算器)· Session 4:FRQ 1道 (可用计算器)· Session 5:FRQ...
These are the actual free response questions from 2015 through 2018. They are all based on the revised APUSH test, with short answers, DBQs, and long essay questions. DBQ Video This video by JoczProductions has step-by-step instructions on how to write the APUSH DBQ. You may want to wa...
👉6)泰勒级数(BC): 考试大纲Unit 10无穷级数包含的考点非常多,但在FRQ题目中主要考查泰勒级数(Taylor Series)、麦克劳林级数(Maclaurin Series)、收敛半径与区间(Radius and Interval of Convergence)、以及误差限(Error Bound)的问题。...
Replies: 1 Forum: Calculus M Courses AP Chem vs Honors Physics: Choosing the Right Course for College Applications As a Junior, I have the option to take AP chem and honors physics. I want to take AP chem very badly but I can't take AP physics without doing honors physics first. ...
以AP Calculus BC Practice Sessions题目为例,Session1-8分别为: · Session 1: MCQ5道(非计算器)· Session 2: MCQ6道 (可用计算器)· Session 3: FRQ 1道 (可用计算器)· Session 4:FRQ 1道 (可用计算器)· Session 5:FRQ...