MCQ & FRQ: Gas1. Ideal gas assumptions: (a)分子间作用力=0;(b)分子本身体积忽略不计;(c)气体分子与容器杯壁发生完全弹性碰撞,没有能量损失2. 计算: PV=nRT3. Deviation: (a) 低温 (b) 高压(体积小)(c)IMF越大, deviation越大4. Vapor Pressure 越高,沸点越低,IMF越小5. Partial Pressure: P ...
chem stuff 36個詞語 Unit 2: Chemistry 老師24個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 ionic bond 選擇正確的詞語 1 capacity to do work 2 homogeneous (evenly mixed) mixture of gases, liquids or solids 3 Fe 4 chemical bond formed when electrons are transferred between atoms ...
Biology Unit 3 Chem. 61個詞語 smunger26 預覽 chapter 3 environmental bio 55個詞語 jadoreh10 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 Do lipid's C-H share even electrons? 選擇正確的定義 1 Yes 2 No 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(20) Hydrophobic Water fearing/nonpolar (shared eve...
Once a trial structure was proposed, it was relatively easy to calculate the diffraction pattern, but it was difficult to go the other way (from the diffraction pattern to the structure) if nothing was known a priori about the arrangement of atoms in the unit cell. It was important to ...
As a Junior, I have the option to take AP chem and honors physics. I want to take AP chem very badly but I can't take AP physics without doing honors physics first. I Ultimately want to take AP physics but AP chem seems looks great on a college application. What class should I tak...
1 sigma=single bond; 1 sigma + 1 pi=double bond; 1 sigma + 2 pi=triple bond Unit 3 Intermolecular Forces and Properties MCQ & FRQ: Intramolecular Forces: attraction within a moleculeCovalent Networks: SiO2当题目让你比较两个物质的熔点发现不对劲的时候,别忘了这个!!Intra强度远远大于inter的 ...
1 / 4 建立者 hanayang7273 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Unit 2 MCQ Progress Check - AP Chemistry 老師15個詞語 h_kattula278 預覽 Chemistry Quiz (From Practice Quiz) 56個詞語 Evelyn_Raynham 預覽 Chapter 9 End of Chapter 16個詞語 engler_ 預覽 chem final study guide 33個詞語 torii...
Chem testy 22個詞語 Katie__arnold 預覽 AP Chemistry - AP Classroom Unit 1 Progress Check: MCQ 24個詞語 pikadabber 預覽 CHEM 112 - Unit 1 31個詞語 slmaus 預覽 Orgo Lab Exam 2 7個詞語 addisonlcleary 預覽 11.7 13個詞語 Maddiemeachem18 預覽 Chapter 11 Mastering Chemistry 16個詞語 Lazygirls...
- Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ - 22個詞語 kelmutmansky 預覽 physics unit 3 exam 9個詞語 timothy_Schwartz20 預覽 Chapter 10 TBV 10個詞語 Damaris_mm 預覽 AP Physics Semester 1 Chapter 3 79個詞語 quizlette1043646 預覽 ap classroom physics 1 FR unit 5 6個詞語 lmeressi 預覽 RAD142 26個詞語...
1 sigma=single bond; 1 sigma + 1 pi=double bond; 1 sigma + 2 pi=triple bond Unit 3 Intermolecular Forces and Properties MCQ & FRQ: Intramolecular Forces: attraction within a molecule Covalent Networks: SiO2当题目让你比较两个物质的熔点发现不对劲的时候,别忘了这个!!Intra强度远远大于inter的 ...