寄样地址 深圳宝安 价格费用 电话详谈 联系电话 17324413130 联系手机 17324413130 联系人 罗卓文 立即询价 详细介绍 Test or certification Item 测试或认证名称: 美国AP认证 ACMI的认证标签除AP(Approved Product)外,还包括 CP(Certified Product), 和HL (Health Label (Non-Toxic)),CL等等 ...
Test or certification Item 测试或认证名称: 美国AP认证 ACMI的认证标签除AP(ApprovedProduct)外,还包括CP(CertifiedProduct), 和HL(HealthLabel (Non-Toxic)),CL等等 ACMIcertificate can divide as AP(ApprovedProduct),CP(CertifiedProduct), HL (HealthLabel (Non-Toxic)),and CLect.. ...
G处:Start Time开考时间(选择最接近开考的整点时间,并将对应圆圈涂黑); H处:Certification Statement(确认您同意AP关于考试的相关条款与规定AP EXAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS,签名并写日期,考生签名可用中文、拼音或英文,与考生平常签字或护照上...
Aviation Courses Limitedis a Part 65 A&P/IA accelerated certification and FCC licensing preparatory school. We are the foremost school for the licensing of FAA-approved technicians who have acquired the knowledge and experience but need to have additional schooling to pass the examinations required by...
Test or certification Item 测试或认证名称:美国AP认证 ACMI的认证标签除AP(ApprovedProduct)外,还包括CP(CertifiedProduct), 和HL(HealthLabel (Non-Toxic)),CL等等 ACMIcertificate can divide as AP(ApprovedProduct),CP(CertifiedProduct), HL (HealthLabel (Non-Toxic)),and CLect.. AP标签证明ACMI认可产品...
Aviation Courses Limitedis a Part 65 A&P/IA accelerated certification and FCC licensing preparatory school. We are the foremost school for the licensing of FAA-approved technicians who have acquired the knowledge and experience but need to have additional schooling to pass the examinations required by...
Certification Statement(确认您同意AP关于考试的相关条款与规定AP EXAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS,签名并写日期,考生签名可用中文、拼音或英文,与考生平常签字或护照上签字一致) I填写 AP Exam name, form and form code(考试科目名称、版本和版本号,都印在考试书封面上,右...
AP certification proved that the product can pass ASTM D4236 test and Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA) Norm refer 涉及法规: ASTM D4236 **部分part one :.向ACMI申请AP印章的费用主要包括以下几个部分:the fee to apply for AP mark mainly include few parts as follows: ...
H处:Certification Statement(确认您同意AP关于考试的相关条款与规定AP EXAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS,签名并写日期,考生签名可用中文、拼音或英文,与考生平常签字或护照上签字一致) 答题卡正面的最下面区域:灰色的"AP ID label"区域,请将AP ID label sheet上的一个条码贴纸撕下来贴在该处,蓝色区域的"AP Exam label"...
H处:Certification Statement(确认您同意AP关于考试的相关条款与规定AP EXAM TERMS AND CONDITIONS,签名并写日期,考生签名可用中文、拼音或英文,与考生平常签字或护照上签字一致); 答题卡正面的最下面区域:灰色的"AP ID label"区域,请将AP ID label ...