例如Cal BC和Physics1,如果你Physics2考的很好,或者说Physics C你是要考的,并且可以考一个很好的成绩,其实可以不用考Physics 1和Cal AB。如果是考Calculus BC五分,对应学分可以换八分,其他的统一都是换四分的。 还有一个建议就是,不要考一些奇...
白银等级 1.AP Calculus AB(微积分AB) 相当于大学第一学期的微积分课程,侧重微分和积分的内容。 难度系数:⭐⭐ 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 通过率51%,5分率20.4% 2.AP Calculus BC(微积分BC) 微积分BC则相当于大学微积分第二学期课程...
物理有1、2和两门C之分,理工路线的大佬可以选择4门全报,毕竟,AO看到手握4门物理5分的申请人,很难不另眼相看吧~另外,千万不要被物理C的calculus-base吓倒,物理C涉及的微积分和真正的微积分考试根本不能相提并论,而且物理C考察的是物理的解题思路,而不是微积分功底。 FRQ也是分步计分的,每道题中计算得出结...
SAT / AP: SAT MATH II or AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Other qualifications: Senior Level Mathematics BSc Quantitative Finance IBDP: HL Mathematics GCEAL: Further Mathematics SAT/AP: SAT MATH II or AP Calculus BC Other qualifications: Senior Level Mathematics Competitive Score Range Competitive s...
FRQ6 Score:/ 9Composite Score:108 / 108(approx) AP Grade:5 / 5Find your score: 2017*20162015201220082003 * Estimate only View study guides (4) This calculator is based on the 2017* released exam with the latest scoring guidelines, such as these. Your score on the grading curve: 0%10...
题外话,利用可汗学院复习AP Calculus真的再好不过了。 再说一遍,我爱可汗学院。 Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History 是今天刚刚知道的,但是马上就fo了它的YouTube和Twitter。 两个老爷爷一起创办的,专门就是给美国小朋友大朋友们辅导、普及美国历史知识。 以下是它的Wikipedia链接:Gilder Lehrman Institute...
牛津大学对AP数学的具体要求如下:Calculus AB和Calculus BC不能作为两门单独的AP科目。如果所申专业要求提交数学成绩,在条件允许的情况下,申请者应该提交Calculus BC成绩,若申请者因为某些原因无法参加Calculus BC,也可以提交Calculus AB成绩。 图片来源 牛津大学官网 ...
Two San Jose students get perfect AP calculus scores, who both had the same teacher. SAN JOSE, Calif. - Two South Bay high schoolers achieved quite the accomplishment, getting a perfect score on their AP Calculus BC exams. Ritwin Narra and Kaylee Nguyen of Silver Creek High School in San...
Some AP exams have a sub-score, like theAP Calculus BC examand the AP Music Theory exam. Subscores on these exams enable the colleges to have more information about your specific abilities. This can then shape decisions about your placement or how much college credit you are eligible for. ...
ap微积分bc2011评分指南问题参考.pdf,AP® CALCULUS BC 2011 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 3 Let f x e2x . Let R be the region in the first quadrant bounded by the ( ) graph of f , the coordinate axes, and the vertical line x k, where k 0. The region R