Calculus BC grade 5 LSE把对应的A-LEVEL要求和对应的AP对照表写了出来,所以具体需要多少门的AP,或者要求多少分,去参考该专业的A-LEVEL成绩对照即可。 例:如果该科目是A*AA或者AAA,则要求为5个5分的AP,如果科目涉及到要求A-LEVEL数学,则要提供微积分BC 5分的成绩,并且要求高中成绩4.0总分至少是3.7。 LSE不把...
要求申请者至少提交5门AP成绩,其中至少3门AP成绩达到grade 5,另外两门AP成绩达到grade 4(包含所申专业要求的相应学科),并且GPA不低于3.7。 *备注:若所申专业要求A Level数学成绩为A*或A,则AP的申请者需要提交Calculus BC,并且成绩达到grade 5...
AP Calculus AB,AP Calculus BC,IBDP Mathematics HL,A-Level GCE Edexcel Mathematics最高等级19.0%...
关于AP数学,UCL工程系所开设的专业(除计算机科学外)可以接受Calculus AB或Calculus BC成绩。计算机科学以及要求提交A Level数学成绩的专业只能接受Calculus BC成绩,若要求A Level数学要求A*或A,则Calculus BC需要达到grade 5。推荐提交A Level数学成绩的专业,可以接受Calculus AB或Calculus BC成绩,但不能将它们视作两门...
A-level 数据 以数学科为例,AP Calculus AB,AP Calculus BC,IBDP Mathematics HL,A-Level GCE ...
It is also worth mentioning that the average score of Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics 2, Calculus BC, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Precalculus, Calculus AB, Microeconomics, Environmental Science, Computer Science Principles ...
关于AP科目,也给出了明确要求:Grade 4 or above in AP Calculus BC; and Grade 4 or above in {AP Physics 1 and one of the following AP subjects: Physics 2, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics C: Mechanics}。这就意味着,学AP课程的同学申请香港大学,必须配SAT或者ACT,而A-level和...
At the same time, 17 9th grade students participated in the AP exam for the first time and 11 achieved good grades of 5, with consecutive full marks and an average score of 4.2.值得一提的是,Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism、Physics 2、Calculus BC、Macroeconomics、Statistics、Precalculus...
首先来讲讲A-Level,你可以粗略地把A-Level当做国内的高中课程 (GCSE就相当于国内的初中阶段课程,但...
electromagnetics subjects.The average score of Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics 2, Calculus BC, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Precalculus, Calculus AB, Microeconomics, Environmental Science, Computer Science Principles and other disciplines is higher than the average level of Chinese Mainland ...