The College Board sometimes releases complete exams from past years for free:You can usually find these on the College Board exam overview page for your specific test; however, some of these are hard to find even though they're hosted on the College Board website. If you're having trouble ...
Trust me, I know what that feels like. I took three AP exams in a week during my sophomore year, two tests in two days during junior year, and four tests during senior year—including a test on the first day and the last day of AP testing. While each year was tough, for me, sop...
This is an interesting discussion for me as I did loads of AP's in high school (most of them self-study) including Calc BC (5) and both Physics C (5 & 5). All told I took 7 AP exams and got 6 fives and 1 four (in english) and got nearly a year's worth of elective credit...