根据slope field的趋势画出图像即可。这种画图题现在基本每年都会考察,大家还是要在平时的练习中做好积累。 (b)题目要求写出过(1,2)点的切线方程,并用它来估计函数值。 利用微分方程求出slope,再写出切线方程,之后代入x=0.8,就能估计出函数值。 (c)题目给出了二阶导大于0,问b小问中的估计是overestimate高估还...
AP CALC BC As a sophomore, I am deciding whether to jump into AP CALC BC or the college credit plus program; CALC I&II. Now this summer, I am taking honors pre-CALC at the same community college so I hope I will be prepared. Should I take the AP class because it looks good ...