AP Calc备考🔥轻松5分! 如果你正在为AP Calc AB/BC考试而奋斗,那么这篇文章将是你的福音!虽然AB和BC的内容有所不同,但它们每年都在同一时间段开考。如果你能在BC考试中答对与AB部分重合的题目,并且正确率在70%以上(通常来说68%就足够了),你最终会获得AB的5分(subscore)。那么,如何达到这个目标呢?让我们...
实际上AP设立了两门微积分科目,一个是AB,一个是BC。BC是在AB的基础上增添一些项目,同时考试的深度也会比AB要更高,因此含金量自然也更高。同时他还会给你一个AB的分数,告诉你在AB的考试内容里成绩如何,叫做subscore,而AB就不能这样。因此考BC是相当划算的。 大多数大学基本上只接受BC,除了少数文科项目可以接受...
AP音乐理论:考4,5分给1个学分。 AP微积分:AB考5分或BC考4分给1个学分,BC考5分给2个学分 AP物理:1个学分:C考4,5分、BC考4,5分或AB考5分 2个学分:C考4,5分和AP微积分AB或BC、BC考4,5分或B没有学分 AP政治、心理学及统计:不给学分 4)哥伦比亚大学Columbia University 学校网址:http://www./ ...
但是它的难度还是颇小的(我一共看了3天)。至少我感觉比CALC容易一些..经济这个东西会整出一些很玄乎的图像,因此理解每个图像的含义是非常重要的,否则会confuse(坚信一切图像都是纸飞机!)估计CUUS有一些筒子想学经济学吧~~~先看看AP也是一个不错的铺垫。总体难度不高,推荐大家考。 ENGLISH 听起来很吓人是吧~~...
我来自上海美国学校,高中期间拿了12门AP课程,有13个AP Score(我们学校micro 和macro是一门课)。分别是:(10年级)US History, (11年级)Econ, Psych, Environmental Science, Stats, Lang; (12年级)Bio, Calc AB, US Gov, World History, Human Geo, Lit。校内成绩除了Lit是A-以外其余AP课都是A。截至UCAS申...
You probably noticed that most of the concepts are the same in both courses. That's because AP Calculus BC is essentially the same course as AP Calculus AB, just with a few extra topics thrown in! To help illustrate he differences between AP Calc BC and AP Calc AB,we've bolded the ad...
有 我是广州TCP2的 白云那个考点 我今年考的CalcAB和Micro。Calc很早就出了 Micro我从Calc出分之后就一…
There are a ton of AB Calc practice tests available; however, not all of them are created equally. Taking a poorly written practice test can give you a false idea of what the real AP exam will be like and cause you to study the wrong things. ...
Calculus before enrolling in either course. Based on your academic interests and goals, you may opt to take AB only, take BC only, or take AB and then BC. Note that students who opt to study Calc BC and take the BC exam will receive a sub-score showing how they performed in AB ...
AP® CALCULUS AB 2006 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 1 Let R be the shaded region bounded by the graph of y = ln x and the line y = x − 2, as shown above. (a) Find the area of R. (b) Find the volume of the solid generated when R is rotated about the horizontal line y =...