Princeton比较简单,用来理顺思路很好;巴朗讲的更到位一些;可以利用frq中的short answer question梳理知识点。 12、比较政府 网上没太有靠谱的备考分享 所以还请诸位有经验的朋友们评论补充啦 感谢! 以上就是全部要分享的内容了。另外,和大家推荐AP资料合集,里面有真题、教材、学习笔记可以自助调取,拿到手软,还会持续更...
My general idea is this: let’s say you’re currently in Calc AB, or Spanish, or physics, and you plan to take Calc BC, or the next year of Spanish or physics next year – then there might not be much downside to just waiting. What about if you’re taking US History this year ...