2/8/2023 I am in education, and needed to take an exam to add another credential to my certification. Study.com had the best study guide available for the money and it is broken up into easy to learn modules. This certification is a doozy and the bite sized lessons are not so overwhe...
高二因为五六月都考SAT中间夹着AP实在时间紧张所以Econ和Calc跟着在学校外面找老师寒假集中学了三个周,高三化学和物理是自己刷的,生物慢悠悠地跟着二三四月上了外面的课,USH当时实际上也跟着上了课,考完生物觉得USH复习不完了,就把USH考试翘了,回头想想当时拼一把4分应该是有的。 给我的感觉是,AP理科难度 微积...
可以。Crash Course,Princeton Review,Barron's,Kaplan,加上College Board的材料、视频、真题,都过一...
另外,今年秋季AP课程还会新增AP预备微积分(AP Precalc 文章来源:考而思2023-09-14 15:24:58 ap数学备考技巧 绝对精炼绝对有效 ap数学的内容比较繁杂,也比较抽象,涉及的知识点也比较多,对于非数学专业的学生来说是较难理解和掌握的。因此除了数理化方面的要求,对英语阅读的要求也比较高。所以AP数学考试一直是令...
Click here to see the solutions to the 2023 AP Released Free Response questions. As always, your corrections and suggestions are welcome--> e-mail your corrections or suggestions by clicking here. [the questions are not included as they are copyrighted]Click here to see the solutions to the ...
前面大概是总结性的介绍,那么下面我来说一下内容。AP calc ab主要是对于函数的考量,以及对于积分和微分的应用。平时完全靠自己归纳出来考点还是比较困难的。 但是在跟犀牛课程辅导的老师学习的过程中,我发现这里的老师可以提供非常有用的帮助,往往会给我们总结出所有可能的考点,并且进行详细的指导。如果大家觉得学习时间...
high school students need to take pre-Calculus before enrolling in either course. Based on your academic interests and goals, you may opt to take AB only, take BC only, or take AB and then BC. Note that students who opt to study Calc BC and take the BC exam will receive a sub-score...
-calculator (MUST show 1 term): outcomes in L1, probs in L2; stat →calc: 1 var stats L1, L2 (x̄) standard deviation (of discrete random variable) σx = sqrt(Σ(x1-M1)²p(x1))How much the values of the variable tend to vary, on average from the mean -calculator (MUST ...
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