👉每个人最多可以换到45个Quarter Units(学季学分) 👉一个学科最多可以换10分 普林斯顿大学 👉AP4-5分可换1-4个学分 👉每门AP对应一门课程 👉每个学科最多能换2个学分 👉如果你的目标是在三年内毕业,那么同学们需要至少8个AP学分,...
4分以上才能被授予4-10个学分。每个人最多可以换到45个Quarter Units(学季学分),一个学科最多可以换10分。 耶鲁大学 AP 4-5分可以换1-2学分,每门学科最多换2分,能换的学科有:文学、艺术史、数学、音乐、物理,其他诸如中国人常考的化学、经济均不能...
Biology class 19個詞語 Introduction to Carbohydrates (Lecture 3 Material) 78個詞語 Carcinogenesis, Genetic Toxicology, Liver 147個詞語 Nucleic acids biochem quiz 15個詞語 Cell Membrane Structure and Function 27個詞語 Functional Groups, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Lipids ...
“AP Biology is an introductory college-level Biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of Biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics like evolution, energetics, information storage and transfer, and system interactions.”“AP生物课程是一门大学水平的生物学入门课程。学生...
common disaccharide composed of glucose + fructose in a 1-2 glycosidic linkage polysaccharides macromolecules composed of repeating units of glucose joined by 1-4 glycosidic linkages; often used as storage of excess sugars for fast energy starch ...
Are only units 1-6 on the APbiologyexam? Are natural selection and ecology eliminated. Does this include Hardy-Weinberg? How about CHI Square analysis? Only content from Units 1-6 will be assessed. Will any of the equations or formulas from the reference sheet be necessary for this year's...
考试范围:Units 1-5 准备草稿纸,可在草稿上画图。答题时,需要展示答题步骤。 改变:可以使用简易计算器(电子/实体均可)如需电子计算器,请提前下载好软件。 正常考试时间 : 北京5月22日 4 a.m. 美西5月21日 1 p.m. 美中5月21日 3 p.m.
AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism AP Physics C: Mechanics AP Precalculus AP Statistics ...
AP生物学AP Biology AP环境科学AP Environment Science AP物理1(以代数为基础)AP Physics 1: Algebra-...
Ch 1.Scientific Principles Ch 2.AP Biology: The Origin of Life on... Ch 3.AP Biology: Evolution Overview Ch 4.AP Biology: Inorganic Chemistry... Ch 5.AP Biology: Organic Chemistry... Ch 6.AP Biology: Enzymatic... Ch 7.AP Biology: Cell Biology ...