Unit 1: Chemistry of Life生命化学 You’ll learn about water’s role as the basis of life and the functions of macromolecules like lipids and proteins. 你将了解水作为生命基础的作用,以及脂类和蛋白质等大分子的功能。Topics may include:· The structure and chemical properties of water水的结构和...
AP Biology Syllabus 热度: Chemistry&Carbon TheCellularBasisofLife AtomicStructure Elements:smallestunitasubstancecan bebrokendownintoandstillhavethe samechemicalproperties 1.92naturallyoccurringelements 2.25ofthe92areessentialtolife 3.carbon,nitrogen,hydrogen,&oxygen ...
1 Inductive reasoning 2 Biology 3 Genomics 4 Genome 本學習集中的詞語(25) Evolution Descent with modification; the idea that living species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the present-day ones; also defined more narrowly as the change in the g...
九2012创建的收藏夹世外内容:[英文字幕] 2021年AP生物官方学习资源 AP Daily 系列视频 AP Biology(Unit 1-8 完整,附考试说明文件),如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Unit 1: Chemistry of Life Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function Unit 3: Cellular Energetics Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle Unit 5: Heredity Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation Unit 7: Natural Selection Unit 8: Ecology AP生物培养和考核能力 ...
2013年-2019年的FRQ有以下特点:第1-2题是长的FRQ,每个题10分,大约花22分钟完成。第3-8题是短FRQ,每题约6分钟完成,期中3-5题4分/题,6-8题3分/题。13年前的问题有些不符合新大纲,就不需要关注了。 UNIT 1: Chemistry of Life 2019Q6: Metabolic pathway, enzyme, amino acid synthesis ...
分子生物(Molecular Biology)细胞生物(Cellular Structure)生物能量学(Bioenergetics)遗传学(Genetics)自然选择(Evolution)生态学(Ecology) 考试介绍 👉考试题型 AP生物分为MCQ和FRQ两个部分。60道MCQ,作答时间为1小时30分钟,分数占全部分值的50%;六道FRQ...
Unit 3: Cellular Energetics细胞能量 You’ll explore howcellsinteract with their environment and how fundamental biological processes work at the cellular level. 你将探索细胞和周围环境的相互作用以及生物进程在细胞阶段的基础作用。 Topics may include: The structure and function of enzymes酶的结构和功能 Th...
AP生物(AP Biology)位居第二。AP生物五分率为14.3%。相较于其他AP课程,在AP生物考试中得到4分及以上的分数就具备了足够的含金量,给申请相关专业带来足够的优势。学习AP生物,学生可以通过以探究为基础的研究来培养他们对生物学的理解,他们会探索进化论、能量转化、信息存储...
biology language of science 14個詞語 Biology transport 12個詞語 Biology Unit 1 Test review 39個詞語 Embryo exam 2 ( minus GI and body cavities) 104個詞語 Evolution 26個詞語 Biology Ch. 11 21個詞語 Chapter 10: Classification of Microorganisms ...